
Thursday, August 7, 2014

කොච්චර කෑවත් මහත් වෙන්නෙ නෑනේ...

Ghrita - ගිතෙල් - Githel

Nmee of the drug - Ghrita ( githel)
Synonyms of Ghrta - Sans - Gruta , Aajya , havisa , Sarpis , Purodas , Pavitra, Navanitaka, Todaya, Vahniboogya, Amruta, Abisaara, Aayu, Jivananiya.

Githel is taken from milk, by boiling it can take. It is oily / snighdha compound wich is yellowish white in color, produce little amount of moisture in channels. This githels is frizing in cold situation, and melting when hot nature.

Properties of Ghrita

  • Rasa - Madura
  • veerya - Sheeta
  • Guna - Snighda , Unctuous.
  • Effect on dosha - mitigate vaata & pitta
Chemical constituent of Ghrita 
  • Flocculated  protin
  • Fat
  • Vitamin A & D
Indications of  Ghrita 
  • Remove poisons 
  • Fever , Visarpa
  • Insanity , Epilepsy,
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Flatulence , Fainting 
  • Ulcer 
  • Loss of Rakta
  • Herpes 
  • Blood disease 
Prepared drugs 
  • Tripala gugullu
  • Chavyadi grita
  • Madana modaka
  • Mahaasithaarama
  • Mustakaadi moodaka
  • Ashvaganda grita
  • Asoka grita
  • Kusmaandaa lepa
  • Jaagalaadi gritaya
  • Siddharta gritaya 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Kasthuri - කස්තුරි - kastuurii

Name of the drug - Kasthuri
Synonyms - Hindi - Kasthuurii , Mriganaabji , Mriganaabji / (Bengali) Mrignaabhi
                    Sanskrit - Kasthuri / Kasthurika / Mrigamada
All kind of deer do not have Kasturiimrig only have this. This kind of deer found in the forest of Kashmeer, Nepal, Assam , Bhutan , Hindukush , Himalaya and also North - east. The musk deer is small comparatively to the common deer , shape like a simple small dog , height about 50 cm. Color is blue - smoke like or blackish. Having generally without tail or every little about 5 cm. Color of kastuurii is same what red or blackish when deer is being killed. It is having wet nature, but turn dense after some time. musk is find merely during the sexual reason. Presence of good smell, found in male deer. This musk is found only in the month of January when copulation period occurred in deer. Young deer contain 1 ounce to 2 ounce of musk. ( 3 to 6 years age ) 
Two kind of Kasthuri 
  1. Javaadi Kasthuri (Annimal) 
  2. Laataa Kasturi (Botnical)
Properties of Kasthuri 
  • Rasa - Tikta , Katu
  • Guna - Lagu , Ruuksha , Tiksna
  • Veerya - Ushna
  • Vipaaka - Katu
  • Dosha karma - mitigates vaata & kapha. / mitigates tridosha
Chemical constituent of Kasthuri 
  • Fresh musk found as white latex. 
  • contain silica
  • opium
  • Alcohol up to 10%
  • Water up to 50%
  • ammonia 
  • Olein
  • Cholestrin
  • Sodium Chloride
  • Potasium Chloride 
  • Calciam Chloride
  • musk ketone 
  • camphor
  • valerin
Indications of Kasthuri 
  • Vision improve 
  • Produce semen 
  • Kilaasa
  • Leprosy 
  • mouth disease
  • Constipation
  • Cold
  • Cough 
  • Lecoderma 
  • Inflammation  
Prepared drugs 
  • Kasturi modaka
  • Kasthri Bhusana rasa
  • Kaamaagini sundipana rosa
  • Chandrodaya rasa
  • Dashamuularishtaya
  • Brahmibati
  • Rathi Vallaba modaka
  • Makaradwaja rasa
  • Vaatakulantaka
  • Srigoopaala taila
  • Vruhadhvishnu taila
Video of Kasthuri deer 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Perumkayam- පෙරැංකායම් - Ferula foetida

Botanical name   -Ferula foetida
Family                  -Umbellifereae
English name      - Asafoetida
Sanskrit names   - Hingu, Ramata, Atyugra, Jantughna, Sahasravedhi, Jantuka, Ramata,    
                               Bhutanashaka, Supadhupaka, Rakshoghna.
Singhalese name- Perumkayam
Parts used   - Latex
Rasa          Katu
            Guna         Laghu, Tikshna, Snigdha, Sara
Veerya      Ushna          
Vipaka      Katu                    
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Kapha. Vitiates Pitta.
Promote appetite and digestion. Antibacterial. Strengthening,
Cures – pains, Gulma, stomach diseases, (Murcha), (Apasmara) epilepsy.
Medicinal uses
Flatulence – Castor oil
Hingu is applied locally on the genitalia in impotency.
Hingu water is applied to reduce swelling and pain of guinea worm.
Roasted Hingu is given at the beginning of meal in hypo gastric pain and at the middle of the meal in epigastric conditions.
Respiratory conditions – Karpurahinguvati or raw hingu is used.
Process of purification- Two methods
1. 1 part of hingu is dissolved in 8 part of water and then dried on low flame in ghee layered iron pot.
2. Hingu is roasted in cow-ghee till it becomes dry and rough.
Tikulu hingu kvata
Hingvashtaka churna
Rajapravartana vati
Hingvadi vati

Tala- තල - Sesamum indicum

Botanical name   -Sesamum indicum
Family                  -Pedalianeae
English name      - Sesamum
Sanskrit names   - Tila, Asita tila, Pavitra, Hemadhanyaka, Papaghna
                                Oil – Taila, Snehottama, Tilaja, Tilasambhava
Singhalese name-  Tala
Parts used   - Seeds, oil, whole plant
Rasa          Madhura
            Guna         Guru, Snigdha
Veerya      Ushna          
Vipaka      Madhura      
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata.Vitiates Pitta & Kapha.
Strengthening (Balya), useful for wound healing, dental health, skin & hair.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Medicinal uses
Oil is very useful in dry skin. Its Snigdha guna increases the oleation by overcoming dryness.  
Paralysis – oil is used for massaging.
Piles – local application of oil pack in the anal region reduces the pain.
Decoction of the roots and leaves is used for washing the hair which is helpful in hair growth and making them black and soft.
Bleeding piles – seeds are given along with butter.
Amenorrhea – kshara of plant stalks is used.
Tila oil is considered to be the best for nourishing all the seven dhatus of the body. Therefore, it is useful as both food as well as medicine.
Tila taila

Velmi- වැල්මී - Glycerrhiza glabra

Botanical name   -Glycerrhiza glabra
Family                 -Leguminoseae
English name      - Liquorices
Sanskrit names   - Yashtimadhu, Yashti, Madhuka, Klitaka
Singhalese name- Velmi
Parts used   - Roots
Rasa          Madhura
            Guna         Guru, Snigdha
Veerya      Sheeta          
Vipaka      Madura              
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Pitta.
Promote eyesight, (balya) strengthening, improves the complexion, Aphrodisiac, Hair tonic, improves the voice, and removes the fatigue ness & emaciation (Kshaya).
Cures blood disorderes, edematous wounds, poisoning, vomiting, excessive thirst,
Medicinal uses
Poisoning & ulcerated wounds – root paste is applied locally.
Surgical wounds are healed with the local application of Yashtimadhu & ghee and pains are relieved.
Decoction of Yashtimadhu is used to wash eyes.
Liquorices powder along with other drugs is used for face pack.
Milk boiled with Yashtimadhu is effective in hoarseness caused due to shouting.
Yashtimadhu powder with ghee, honey and milk acts as an aphrodisiac.
Yashtyadi chourna
Yashtimadhvadi taila

Ranavara- රණවරා - Cassia auriculata

Botanical name   - Cassia auriculata
Family                 - Leguminoseae
Sanskrit names   - Vibhandi, Manodnya, Mahada, Charmaranga, Pitapushpa
Singhalese name- Ranavara
Parts used   - Whole plant (Pancanga)
Rasa          Tikta, Kashaya
Guna         Laghu, Ruksha
Veerya      Sheeta          
Vipaka      Katu         
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Pitta, Kapha.
Cures bleeding disorderes (Rakta pitta), Diarrhea, parasitic infestation (Krimi), skin disorderes.
Flowers – cure eye disorders & Diabetes.
Medicinal uses
Conjunctivitis – powdered seeds ground in sesame oil is applied locally.
Diabetes – decoction of the Panchanga is used.
Urinary calculi – powdered seeds are used.

Tamarindus indica - Siyabala - සියඹලා

Botanical name   -Tamarindus indica
Family                 -Leguminoseae
English name      -Tamarind tree
Sanskrit names   - Amlika, cukrika, Amli, cukra, Dantasatha, Amla, cinchika, Cincha,
                                Tintidi, Kacatintidi.                                                                                    
Singhalese name- Siyabala
Parts used   - fruits, leaves, seeds & flowers.
Rasa          Amla
Guna         Guru, ruksha
Veerya      Ushna          
Vipaka      Amla               
Attributes / Karma:
Raw fruits - Alleviates Vata, vitiates Rakta, Pitta & Kapha.
Ripe fruits – Alleviate Kapha, Vata. Promote appetite, Saraka,
Medicinal uses
Local application of leaves & seeds reduces inflammation.
Conjunctivitis – flower pulp is used.
Heart diseases & vomiting associated with fever – syrup is used.
In cholera – tablets of fruits of tamarind & Semecarpus anacardium + salt is used.
Cincha taila
Cincha kshara

Phoenix sylvestris - Indi - ඉදි

Botanical name   - Phoenix sylvestris
Family                 -Palmae
English name      -Date
Sanskrit names   - Kharjura, Khara skandha, Trun druma, Dura roha, Svadumastaka,
                            Pinda Kharjura – Sunepali, Mrudula, Dalahenaphala
Singhalese name- Indi
Types – 1. Kharjura
               2. Pinda Kharjura
Parts used   - fruits & seeds.

Rasa          Madhura
Guna         Guru, Snigdha,
Veerya       Sheeta          
Vipaka       Madhura
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Pitta.
Promote appetite, heart tonic, Trupti Kara, Pushtikara (obese the body), Vishtambhi, Aphrodisiac, (Balya) strengthening,
Cures – wounds, Ksaya, Flatulence, Vomiting, Fever, Diarrhea, thirst, Hunger, Cough, Asthma, (Mada) intoxication, (Murccha) faintness, (Madatya) alcohol intoxication.
 Pinda Kharjura - Cures (Srama) tiredness, (Bhranti) Vertigo, burning sensation, (Murccha) faintness, and (Raktapitta) bleeding disorders.  
Medicinal uses
Toothaches – decoction of the roots is used for gargling or root powder is applied on the tooth.
Bleeding disorders – fruits are given along with honey.
Kharjurarishta, Khajuradileha

Vitis vinifera - Midi - මිදි

Botanical name   -Vitis vinifera
Family                 -Vitaceae
English name      -Grape
Sanskrit names   - Draksha, Svaduphala, Madhurasa, Mrudvika, Harahura, Gostani,  
Singhalese name- Midi / Muddarappalam

Parts used   - Dried fruits & fresh fruits.
Rasa          Madhura
Guna         Mrudu, Guru, Snigdha,
Veerya       Sheeta          
Vipaka       Madhura
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Pitta.
Ripe fruits – Alleviate Vata, Saraka, promote eyesight, nourishing, improve voice, removes urine & stool, courses flatulence, aphrodisiac, obese the body, promote appetite.
Cures – excessive thirst, fever, asthma, (Vatarakta) rheumatoid arthritis, jaundice, dysurea, bleeding diseases, (Moha) fainting, burning sensation, (Sosha) wasting, Madatya.
Raw fruits – little bit less in medicinal value than ripe fruits, soure in taste, causes Rakta Pitta.    
Medicinal uses
Madatya – juice of the fruit or decoction is used.
Urinary calculi – Kshara made of grape creep is used.
Cough, asthma – juice of the fruit is given.
Draksha ghrita

Strychnos potatorum - Ingini - ඉගිනි

Botanical name   - Strychnos potatorum
Family                 - Loganiaceae
English name      - Clearing Nut
Sanskrit names   - Payahprasadi, Kataka, Kata, Kataphala    
Singhalese name-  Ingini
Parts used   -  Seeds, fruits, leaves & bark.
Rasa          Madhura, Kashaya
Guna         Laghu, Vishada
Veerya       Sheeta          
Vipaka       Madhura
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Kapha.
Promote eyesight, purify water.                                      
Medicinal uses
Cornel ulcers & chronic conjunctivitis – it is rubbed in honey & applied in the eye as Anjana.
Abscess – powdered seeds along with the honey are applied.
Diabetes – decoction of the seeds is used.
Cholera – powdered bark is used with lime juice.
Pyurea, dysuria due to calculi – cold decoction of powdered seeds in king coconut water is used.
Kataka ghrita

Punica granatum - Delum- ද‍ෙලුම්

Botanical name  - Punica granatum
Family                 - Punicaceae
English name      - Pomegranate
Sanskrit names   - Dadim, Karaka, Dntabeja, Lohitha pushpaka,
Singhalese name-  Delum

Types – 1. Madhura
 2. Madhuramla
              3. Amla

Parts used   - Fruit, rind of the fruit, root, root bark.

Rasa          Madhura, Kshaya, Amla
Guna          Laghu, Snigdha
Veerya       Anushna          
Vipaka       Madhur of Madhura              
                               Amla of Amla

Attributes / Karma:
Madhura - Alleviates Tri dosha. (Trupti Kara), aphrodisiac, (Balya) strengthening. Cures excessive thirst, burning sensation, fever, cardiac, throat & oral diseases.
Madhuramla – Vitiates Pitta slightly. Promote appetite & digestion.
Amla – Alleviates Kapha & Vata. Vitiates Pitta.  
Medicinal uses
Throat & oral disorders – decoction of the bark is used for gargle.
In epistxis – nasal drops of the juice of fruit is used.
The juice of the fruit & decoction of the root bark are strong vermifuges.
In infantile Kapha disorders – the fruit is ground in goat’s milk & is given as a licking agent.
Diarrhea – juice obtain from the raw fruit by the method of Putapaka is used along with honey.
Dadima catussma churn, Dadimashtka churna, Dadimadi ghrita, Dadimadya taila,

Foeniculum vulgare - Maha duru - මහදුරැ

Botanical Name  – Foeniculum vulgare
Family                 - Umbelliferae
English Name     -  Fennel
Sanskrit Name    - Upakunchi, Kunci, Vruhatjeeraka, Shatapushpa
Singhalese Name- Maha duru
Parts used     - seeds, seed oil, roots, extract of seeds
Rasa  Madhura, Tikta
Guns  Guru, Snighdha
Veerya  Sheeta
Vipaka  Madhura
Attributes / Karma:
Use in Kapha, Vata disease
Promote appetite & digestion. Promote eyesight
Cures – dysmenorrhea, fever, flatulence, Gulma, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches.

Medicinal uses:
Powdered Fennel applied locally on boils occur due to heat in summer.
Abdominal colic in children – milk boiled with Fennel
Fennel is eaten after meals – for cleaning the mouth.

Madhuka indica - Me - මී

Botanical name   - Madhuka indica
Family                 - Sapotaceae
English name      - Indian butter tree / Mahwa tree
Sanskrit names   - Madhuka, Gudapushpa, Madhusrava, Vanaprastha, Madhushtila,    
Singhalese name-  Mee මී
Parts used   - Flowers, fruits, bark, oil & leaves.
Rasa          Madhura, Kashaya
Guna         Guru, Snigdha,
Veerya       Sheeta          
Vipaka       Madhura              

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Pitta.
Flowers – (Vrunhana) nourishing, (Vrushya) aphrodisiac, (Balya) strengthening,
Fruits – (Ahrudya) not good for heart. Cures excessive thirst, blood disorders, burning sensation, asthma, wounds, T.B                                            
Medicinal uses
Pittaja headache – flower juice is used as nasal drops.
Massage done with the oil prepared from Madhuka is analgesic.
Flower juice is rubbed on the skin in dermatose.
The pulp of the seeds is used to prepare vaginal suppository for inducing menstrual bleeding.
Nerve disorders – flower pulp is given along with milk as a nervine tonic.
Bleeding disorders – juice of fresh flowers is used.
Sarvavishadi taila

Strychnos nux-vomica - Godakaduru-ගා‍ෙඩකදුරැ

Botanical name  - Strychnos nux-vomica
Family                 -Loganiaceae
English name      -Nux vomica
Sanskrit names   -Kupilu, Madhuratendu, Tinduka, Jalada, Dirghapatraka, Kulaka,
                               Kalatinduka, Kalapiluka, Kakendu, Vishanindu, Markatatinduka
Singhalese name- Godakaduru
Parts used   - Inner hard button like purified seeds.
Rasa          Tikta, Katu
Guna          Ruksha, Laghu, Tikshna
Veerya       Ushna          
Vipaka       Katu            
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha, Vata
Cures Kushta, Vata diseases, itching, (Pama) eczema, piles, wounds
Causes intoxication (Mada), Analgesic, constipative (Dharaka), cures blood diseases.
Medicinal uses
Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis – paste of seeds applied externally.
Oozing & foul smelling ulcers – an application of Nux-vomica seeds with turmeric is done.
Pulp of the leaves in the form of poultice is very useful in oozing ulcers.
Agnitundi rasa
Krimimudga rasa

Areca catachu - Puvak- පුවක්/ सुपारी / பாக்கு / Betel nut

Botanical name  - Areca catachu
Family                 - Palmae
English name      - Betel nut  
Sanskrit names   - Ghoranta, Pugi, Puga, Guvaka, Kramuka
Singhalese name- Puvak
English (betelnut palm,arecanut,betel palm,betel-nut,supari palm,pinang palm); Filipino (bunga); French (arec cachou,Arequier); German (Arecapalme,Betelnußpalme); Hindi (adike,poogiphalam,adakka,supari); Italian (Avellana d'India); Malay (adakka-maram,kavugu); Sinhala (puwak); Spanish (palma catechou); Tamil (kamugu); Thai (maak mia); Trade name (areca nut,betel nut); Vietnamese (cao)

Parts used   - Catachu, Roots & Flowers
Rasa          Kashaya, Madhura
Guna         Guru, Ruksha  
Veerya      Sheeta               
Vipaka      Katu  
Attributes / Karma:
Fruit – alleviates Kapha. (Moha Kara), promote appetite, removes bad taste of the mouth (Mukha Vairasya)
Tender fruits – Guru, Abhishyandi, removes the appetite.
Boiled fruits – Alleviates Tri- dosha.                                  
Medicinal uses
Leucorrhoea – tampon dipped in its decoction is kept in vagina.
Powder is sprinkled on wounds.
Eye disorders – water boiled in flowers is used as eyewash.
Black powder of nut is used in tooth powder.
Round & flat worm infestation – 3g betel nut + 2g lemon juice or 250ml of milk is given after a fast of 12-14 hours, kills & expels the worms.

Cocus nucifera - Coconut- පා‍ෙල්

Botanical name  - Cocus nucifera
Family                 - Palmae
English name      - Coconut
Sanskrit names   - Narikela, Drudaphala, Langali, Kurcasirshaka, Tunga, Skandhaphala,
                               Trunaraja, Sadaphala,
Singhalese name- Pol
Parts used   - Flowers, Fruits, roots, kshara & Oil.
Rasa          Madhura
Guna         Snigdha
Veerya      Sheeta            
Vipaka      Madhura

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Pitta.
Fruit – heard to digest. (Durjara) cleans the bladder, Vishtambhi (obstructing), (Vrunhana) nourishing, (Balya) strengthening, cures blood disorders, burning sensation,
Soft morrow of the medium fruit – specially cures fever & other disorders due to Pitta.
Hard morrow of the mature fruit – Guru, (Vidahi) causes burning & inflammation, Vishtambhi, Vitiates Pitta,
Water of the medium fruit – Laghu, Alleviates Pitta, heart tonic, promote appetite, aphrodisiac, fulfill the thirst, cleans the bladder.                            
Medicinal uses
Bleeding gums – decoction of the roots is used as a gargle.
Oil is hair tonic.
Oral infections – powder of kernel mixed with dry ginger is used.

Dysuria, pyuria – water of medium fruit is given along with powdered sandalwood.

Narikela khanda,
Narikela lavana

Musa paradisiaca - Kesel - කෙස‍ෙල්

Botanical name  - Musa paradisiaca
Family                 - Scitaminaceae
English name      -  Banana / Plantain
Sanskrit names   - Kadali, Varana, Moca, Ambusara, Ansumati phala,                            
Singhalese name- Kesel
Parts used   - Fruit, Rhizome.
Rasa          Kashaya, Madhura,
Guna         Snigdha
Veerya      Sheeta            
Vipaka      Madhura

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Pitta.
Row fruit – Alleviates Kapha Vata. Removes (Vishthambha), Guru, cures (RaktaPitta) bleeding disorders, burning sensation, excessive thirst, wounds, T.B
Ripe fruit – aphrodisiac, promote appetite; (Mansa krut) cures hunger & thirst, eye disorders, diabetes.                                                                                                                        
Medicinal uses
Burnt injuries – fruit pulp, leaves & flowers are applied locally.
Dysuria – paste of the rhizome is applied on the lower abdomen.
Sidma kushta ( psoriasis) – mixture of turmeric & banana Kshara is applied

Hysteria & epilepsy – juice of stalk is used.
Diarrhea & dysentery – raw as well as ripe fruit is given.
Excessive thirst & cholera – sherbet of ripe fruits is given.
Juice of stalk is given in morphine & arsenic toxicity as an antidote.
Ripe fruit act as an expectorant if given in dry cough.
Kadalyadi ghrita
Kadali kshara

Alstonia scholaris - Ruk attana - රැක්කත්තන

Botanical name  - Alstonia scholaris
Family                 - Apocynaceae
English name      - Devils tree
Sanskrit names   - Sapta parna, Visalatvak, Sarada, Vishamacchada
Singhalese name- Ruk attana
Parts used   - Bark, Latex, Flowers, leaves & Extract
Rasa          Tikta, Kashaya
Guna         Laghu, Snigdha
Veerya      Ushna            
Vipaka      Katu
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Tri dosha. Specially Kapha, Vata. Promote appetite. (Saraka) nutritive
Cures-wounds, skin diseases, blood disorders, Krimi, asthma, Gulma.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Medicinal uses

Putrefied wounds – paste of the bark is applied.
Wounds – tender leaves are first boiled, made in to a paste & then applied on wounds.
Headache – powder of the flowers is used for nasal administration.

Decoction or the powder of bark is used for loss of appetite, abdominal pains, abdominal lump & dysentery.
Twigs of the tree are used for brushing teeth as it is bactericidal.
Skin diseases – mixture of decoction + Copacini is used.

Saptaparna satavadi vati
Saptaccadadi taila

Butea monosperma - Kela - කෑල

Botanical name  - Butea monosperma
Family                 - Leguminoseae
English name      - Bustard teak
Sanskrit names   - Palasa, Kinsuka, Pana, Yacchika, Raktapushpika, Ksharasreshtha,
                               Vatapotha, Brahmavruksha, Samidvara                          
Singhalese name- Kela

Parts used   - Bark, Flowers, leaves, gum & seeds

Rasa          Katu, Tikta, Kashaya,
Guna         Laghu, Snigdha
Veerya      Sheeta            
Vipaka      Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Tri - dosha. Promote appetite, aphrodisiac.
Cures-wounds, Gulma, Anorectal diseases, fractures, piles, (Grahani) digestive diseases, (Krimi) parasitic infestations,
Flowers – Madhura vipaka. Alleviate Vata, Kapha. Constipative. Cures bleeding disorders, dysurea, excessive thirst, burning sensation, rheumatoid arthritis, Kushta.
Fruit – Ushna Veerya. Ruksha. Alleviate Vata, Kapha. Cures diabetes, piles, Krimi, Kushta, Gulma, Diseases of the stomach                    
Medicinal uses
Urinary retention – worm flowers & leaves are tide over umbilicus & lower abdomen.
Decoction of the bark is used for washing wounds, piles & vaginal discharges.
Scorpion stings – rubbed seed is applied.
Paste of the seeds is used is used in skin diseases, edema & eye diseases.
Anorexia, spur & piles – bark decoction is used.
Piles & abdominal distention – juice of leaves + flower is given.
Fever & cold – bark decoction is used.
Diabetes – juice of the leaves, bark & seeds are used.

Palasa bija churna, Palasa Kshara ghrita.


Botanical name  -Ocimum sanctum
Family                 -Labiateae
English name      -Holy basil
Sanskrit names   - Tulasi, Surasa, Gramya, Sulabha, Bahumanjari, Apetarakshasi, Gauri,
                                Bhutaghni, Devadundubhi.
Singhalese name- - Madurutala
Verities – 1. White – White leaves
                  2. Black – Black leaves
Parts used   - Leaves, Roots & seeds
Rasa          Katu, Tikta
Guna         Laghu, ruksha
Veerya      Ushna              
Vipaka      Katu
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha & Vata. Vitiates Pitta. Heart tonic, Promote appetite, causes burning sensation.
Cures – skin diseases, dysurea (Mutrakruccha), blood disorders, (Parsva ruk) pain on the flanks.                                                                                                      
Medicinal uses
Chronic ulcer, edema & pain - paste of the leaves is used.
Earache – juice is used as eardrop.
Tulasi seeds are soaked in water & slimy Kheer is prepared from it which is given in dysentery.
Cough, dyspnoea & fever – leaves are given with honey.
Ring worm infections – paste of Tulasi leaves & black pepper is used.
Chronic fever – decoction of leaves is used.

Tulasi leave syrup, Surasadi peya

Sesbania grandiflora / Katurumurunga / කතුරැමුරැංගා / அகத்தி / बसना

Botanical name  -Sesbania grandiflora 

Family                 -Papilionaceae
Sanskrit names   -Agastya, Vangasena, Muni pushpa, Munidruma
Singhalese name- - Katurumurunga කතුරැමුරැංගා

Bengali (agusta,bake,bak,bagphal,agati); Creole Patois (pwa valet,pwa valye); English (flamingo bill,grandiflora,Australian corkwood tree,August flower,sesban,agati sesbania,West Indian pea,white dragon tree,vegetable-humming bird,agathi,tiger tongue,swamp pea); Filipino (pan,gauai-gauai,katurai,katuday); French (pois valliere,pois vallier,colbri vegetal,papillon,fleur papillon,fagotier,pois valette); German (Turibaum); Gujarati (agathio); Hindi (basna,bak,chogache,basma,agasti,hatiya,daincha); Indonesian (tuwi,turi,toroy); Italian (sesbania); Khmer (ângkiëdèi); Lao (Sino-Tibetan) (kh’ê: kha:w); Malay (petai belalang,kacang turi,sesban getih,sesban); Nepali (agasti); Sanskrit (agasti,agati,anari); Sinhala (murunga,kathuru); Spanish (paloma,cresta de gallo,baculo,zapaton blanco,gallito,pico de flamenco); Tamil (peragathi,agati,agathi); Thai (kae-ban,khae,ton kae); Vietnamese (so dua)
Parts used   - Leaves, bark & flowers
Sesbania grandiflora is a small, loosely branching tree that grows up to 8- 15 m tall and 25-30 cm in diameter; stems tomentose, unarmed; roots normally heavily nodulated with large nodules; the tree can develop floating roots. Leaves alternate and compound; pinnate, 15-30 cm long with 12-20 pairs of oblong, rounded leaflets, 3-4 cm long and about 1 cm wide; leaves borne only on terminal ends of branches; leaves turn bright yellow before shedding. Flower clusters hanging at leaf base have 2-5 large or giant flowers; pink, red or white, pealike, 5-10 cm in length, curved, about 3 cm wide before opening. Pods long and narrow, hanging down 30-50 cm by 8 mm; septate, wide, flat, with swollen margins and about 15-40 pale-coloured seeds; seed is beanlike, elliptical, red brown, 6-8 in a pod, 3.5 mm, each weighting 1 g. The generic name is derived from an Arab word for one of the species, S. sesban. The specific epithet means large-flowered in Latin.
Rasa          Tikta
Guna         Laghu, ruksha
Veerya      Sheeta            
Vipaka      Madhura
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha & Pitta. Vitiates Vata.
Cures – (Pratisya) rhinitis, (Naktanda nasana) night blindness.
Flowers – cures fever & Pratisya
Medicinal uses

Chronic rhinitis & sinusitis - Juice of Leaves & flowers are used in Virecana Nasya.
Bark & leaves are useful in inflammation & wounds.

Vegetable of flowers & leaves are useful in constipation.
Chronic intestinal disorders – juice of the bark is used with honey.

 Food: Leaves, seeds, pods and flowers of S. grandiflora are edible. Flowers are the most widely used part, and white flowers are preferred to the red. In the Philippines, unopened white flowers are a common vegetable, steamed or cooked in soups and stews after the stamen and calyx have been removed. The raw flowers are eaten as salad in Thailand. Young leaves are also eaten, usually chopped fine and steamed, cooked or fried. Tender pods are eaten as string beans. Fodder: Leaves and pods are valued for fodder. The tree produces leaves for fodder within 4 months of establishment. The leaves contain 36% crude protein (dry weight) and 9600 IU vitamin A in every 100 g. For fodder production, the tree is cut when 90-120 cm tall (1.8 kg) and fed to animals in a rice straw diet. This regime showed growth increases comparable with those obtained by feeding formulated diets. The most effective method of feeding the fodder to ruminants is to supplement with it up to 15-30% of the total diet. Because of its high protein content, S. grandiflora should not be solely fed to animals but should be combined with a roughage that is low in protein and high in energy, such as rice or maize straw. Intake of low-quality feed materials can be increased by supplementing them with S. grandiflora fodder. The fodder can be fed fresh, wilted or dried. The dried fodder can be stored and saved for times of shortage; for example, in Indonesia it provides 70% of the diet of cattle and goats during the dry season. Forage production of 4.5-9.1 kg/ha per year could be expected. S. grandiflora leaves are toxic to chickens and should not be fed to them or other monogastric animals. The fruit is also used as forage. Fuel: The wood is rather light and not highly regarded as a fuel because it smokes excessively when burning. Having a weight of only 500 kg/square m, it burns rapidly without much heat. But its fast growth and availability within a year of planting make it a locally popular fuelwood. The wood should be well dried, as it deteriorates in storage and becomes corky, dusty and unfit for burning. Its calorific value is 17.91 MJ/kg, with a high ash content (6%) and low percentage of carbon (11.7%). Fibre: At a very short rotation of 3-4 years, S. grandiflora is capable of producing much higher cellulose raw material per unit area than most other pulp woods. Even trees 3-4 years old can be pulped without debarking and are suitable for chemical pulping for use as cheap printing, writing, magazine and newsprint paper. The fibres are short. Fibre can also be blended with long-fibred bamboo pulp in suitable proportions to give good strength. On a 3-year rotation, about 41 t/ha per year of pulp can be harvested. Timber: The density of the wood increases with age, and the timber from 5 to 8 year-old trees can be used in house construction or as craft wood. The trunk has been used for poles but may not last long due to rot and insect infestation. The light wood is used in floating fishing nets. Gum or resin: Bark exudate and seed endosperm gums are produced. The clear gum from the bark is used in foods and adhesives as a substitute for gum arabic. The bark yields tannins. Medicine: Crushed leaves are applied to sprains and bruises of all kinds. A tea made from the leaves is believed to have antibiotic, anthelmintic, antitumour and contraceptive properties. The bark is considered as a tonic and an antipyretic, a remedy for gastric troubles, colic with diarrhoea and dysentery. A bark decoction is taken orally to treat fever and diabetes. Juice of flowers put in the eyes is said to relieve dimness of vision. The leaves also have medicinal value and are reported to cure night blindness in cattle. In India, all plant parts are reputed to cure night blindness. The root is a well-known medicine for malaria. Leaves and flowers are used as poultices. The principal medicinal effects are due to the tree’s astringency, hence it is used against inflammation, venom and other poisons, bacterial infections and tumors. Root juices are used for poultices and the leaves are applied for rheumatism, swellings, bruises and itching. For systemic disorders, decoctions are taken internally. Root resin, mixed with honey, is taken orally for phlegm and root juices are taken as an expectorant. Sinus congestion is reduced by taking a flower decoction.


Botanical name  -Saraca indica
Family                 - Leguminoseae
Sanskrit names   - Asoka, Hemapushpa, Vanjula, Tamrapallava, Kankeli, Pindapushpi,
                               Gandhapushpi, Nata
Singhalese name- Asoka
Parts used   - Bark, seeds & flowers

Rasa          Kashaya, Tikta
Guna         Laghu, Ruksha
Veerya      Sheeta              
Vipaka      Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Tri- dosha mainly Kapha & Pitta.
(Grahi) constipative. Enhance the complexion.
Cures – (Apachi) enlargement of the soft / suppurated & discharging glands of the neck, excessive thirst, Krimi, (Sosha) phthisis, poisoning, blood disorders.  
Cures (Raktapradara) Menorrhagea (So)
Medicinal uses
Bark paste used in pains & poisoning for local application.
Haemoptysis & internal bleeding – powdered flowers is used.
Diseases of the uterus – decoction of the bark act as a tonic for the (leucorrhea / menorrhagia) endometrium.
Asoka ghrita

Pandanus tectorius / Vetake - වැටක‍ෙ / Screw pine /Ketaka, Sucikapushpa, Jambuka, Krakacacchada

Botanical name  -Pandanus tectorius
Family                 - Pandanaceae
English name      -Screw pine
Sanskrit names   - Ketaka, Sucikapushpa, Jambuka, Krakacacchada,
                                Swarna Ketaki – Laghu pushpa, Sugandhini
Singhalese name- - Vetake / Vetakeyya
Verities – 1. Ketaka – male green flower
                 2. Svarna Ketaki – female yellow flower          
Parts used   - flowers & roots (aerial roots).
A prickly tall bush (2-3m) to a small tree (3-14m tall), widely branching sometimes with several trunks which can be spiny. Often with stilt roots around the stem. Also emerging from the stems, aerial roots with 'warts' and conspicuously large root caps 

Leaves long, strap-like (70cm-2.5m) with pointed tip and sharp wicked spines along the sides and midrib on the underside, leaves arranged in a spiral. Shiny green upperside, dull on the underside. Dead leaves hang down like a skirt and eventually fall away. 

According to Little, male and female plants have different structures. Trunks of male trees are hard and solid throughout. The timber is yellow, strong and difficult to split. Trunks of female trees have a hard outer part, but soft inner pith. In fact, the trunks of female trees have used as water pipes after removal of the pith.

The male flowers form a pendulous cone (25-60cm) comprising many small flowers. Around the male flowers are yellow-white leaflets that produce a pleasant smell. The female flowers emerge as compact greenish egg-shaped heads with pistils densely crowded with colored scales.

Each fruit (4-20cm wide, 8-30cm long), hard and fibrous, containing usually 5-11 seeds. The fruits form an egg-shaped compound fruit that looks like a pineapple. Green ripening orange. The fruits float and can remain viable for a long time as they disperse with the sea. Some accounts suggest animals also disperse the seeds of those varieties with sweet pulp.

Rasa          Madhura, Tikta, Katu,
Guna         Laghu, Snigdha
Veerya      Ushna            
Vipaka      Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha
Flowers of Svarna Ketaki promote eye sight.
Flowers alleviate Pitta & Kapha. Improves complexion, deodorant & hair tonic.
Cures – (Unmada) Mania (Raja Nighandu)                                            
Medicinal uses
Oil is applied topically on painful back.
Epilepsy – Nasya of pollen grains is given.
Pollen grain powder heals wounds & can be used as deodorant.
To prevent abortions – paste of flowers ground in cow’s milk is given.
Urinary disorders – roots are used.
Ketaki taila, Nayanaketaki taila, Ketaki pushpa arka

      Pandanus tectorius


Botanical Name- Carum carvi
Family               - Umbelifereae
English Name   -Black cumin
Sanskrit Names –Krishna, Ruchya, Sugandha, Kalajeeraka, Krishnajeeraka, Kalajaji,
Singhalese Name- Kaluduru
Parts used- Seeds
Rasa     Katu
Guna    Laghu, Ruksha
Veerya Ushna
Vipaka Katu
Attributes/ Karma:
Alliviate Kapha &Vata
Promote appetite, heal wounds, useful in bad breaths
Promote eyesight, deodorant, constipate
Cures- chronic fever, edema, headaches, Kusta (skin disorders)
Medicinal uses
Gingivitis (Mukha paka)-gargle with decoction of black cumin & kusta
Chronic catarh- Nasal douche is done by black cumin powder

Decoction is used in pediatric medicine as an antiflatulance

Kaluduru tippili leha


Botanical name  -Mimusops elingi
Family                 - Sapotaceae
English name      -Mimusops
Sanskrit names   - Bakula –Madhuganda, Sinhakesara,
                                Bruhat Bakula – Sivamalli, Pasupata, Ekashthila, Khuka, Vasu
Singhalese name- -Munamal

Verities – 1. Bakula
                 2. Bruhat Bakula          

Parts used   - Leaves, bark, flowers, fruit & seed oil.

Rasa          Katu, Kashaya
Guna         Guru
Veerya      slightly Ushna              
Vipaka      Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha & Pitta.
Cures – poisoning, Svitra (Leucoderma), Krimi, dental diseases.
Bruhat - Cures poisoning, (Yoni sula) pains of the vaginal region, excessive thirst, burning sensation, Kushta, edema & blood disorders.                                    
Medicinal uses
Dental & oral diseases - decoction of the bark is used as gargles.
Headaches – powder of the flowers is used for nasya.
Diarrhea, dysentery & intestinal worm – decoction of the bark is used.
Heart diseases – alcoholic extract of flowers is used.
Fruits used as a food item for general tonic.

Bakuladi taila

De saman -දෑසමන්

Botanical name  -Jasminum grandiflorum
Family                 - Oleaceae
English name      -Spanish jasmine
Sanskrit names   - Jati, Jatu, Sumana, Malati, Rajaputrika, Vetaki, Hrudyaganda
Singhalese name- -De saman / Samanpicca

Parts used   - Leaves Roots & Flowers.

Rasa          Tikta, Kashaya
Guna         Laghu, Snigdha, Mrudu
Veerya      Ushna              
Vipaka      Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Tri dosha.
Cures – disorders of the head, eye disorders, oral diseases, dental diseases, poisoning, (Kushta) skin diseases, blood disorders.                                      
Medicinal uses
Leaves are chewed for oral hygiene, it relives stomatitis, strengthens teeth & gums.
Stomatitis – decoction is used as gargles.
Paralysis, Bell’s palsy – local application of root paste or oil is done.
In loss of libido – roots are applied on penis.
Ear conditions – leaves are boiled in oil which is then used as ear drops.
Eye conditions – leaves & flowers are tide on the eyes or their juice is used as eye drops.
Urinary disorders – the flowers or leaves are applied locally on hypo gastric region for relieving cystitis & retention of urine.

Jatyadi taila, Jatyadi ghrita, Brahmi grita