
Monday, March 31, 2014

Vitis vinifera - Midi - මිදි

Botanical name   -Vitis vinifera
Family                 -Vitaceae
English name      -Grape
Sanskrit names   - Draksha, Svaduphala, Madhurasa, Mrudvika, Harahura, Gostani,  
Singhalese name- Midi / Muddarappalam

Parts used   - Dried fruits & fresh fruits.
Rasa          Madhura
Guna         Mrudu, Guru, Snigdha,
Veerya       Sheeta          
Vipaka       Madhura
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Pitta.
Ripe fruits – Alleviate Vata, Saraka, promote eyesight, nourishing, improve voice, removes urine & stool, courses flatulence, aphrodisiac, obese the body, promote appetite.
Cures – excessive thirst, fever, asthma, (Vatarakta) rheumatoid arthritis, jaundice, dysurea, bleeding diseases, (Moha) fainting, burning sensation, (Sosha) wasting, Madatya.
Raw fruits – little bit less in medicinal value than ripe fruits, soure in taste, causes Rakta Pitta.    
Medicinal uses
Madatya – juice of the fruit or decoction is used.
Urinary calculi – Kshara made of grape creep is used.
Cough, asthma – juice of the fruit is given.
Draksha ghrita

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