
Monday, March 31, 2014

De saman -දෑසමන්

Botanical name  -Jasminum grandiflorum
Family                 - Oleaceae
English name      -Spanish jasmine
Sanskrit names   - Jati, Jatu, Sumana, Malati, Rajaputrika, Vetaki, Hrudyaganda
Singhalese name- -De saman / Samanpicca

Parts used   - Leaves Roots & Flowers.

Rasa          Tikta, Kashaya
Guna         Laghu, Snigdha, Mrudu
Veerya      Ushna              
Vipaka      Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Tri dosha.
Cures – disorders of the head, eye disorders, oral diseases, dental diseases, poisoning, (Kushta) skin diseases, blood disorders.                                      
Medicinal uses
Leaves are chewed for oral hygiene, it relives stomatitis, strengthens teeth & gums.
Stomatitis – decoction is used as gargles.
Paralysis, Bell’s palsy – local application of root paste or oil is done.
In loss of libido – roots are applied on penis.
Ear conditions – leaves are boiled in oil which is then used as ear drops.
Eye conditions – leaves & flowers are tide on the eyes or their juice is used as eye drops.
Urinary disorders – the flowers or leaves are applied locally on hypo gastric region for relieving cystitis & retention of urine.

Jatyadi taila, Jatyadi ghrita, Brahmi grita


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