
Monday, March 31, 2014

Velmi- වැල්මී - Glycerrhiza glabra

Botanical name   -Glycerrhiza glabra
Family                 -Leguminoseae
English name      - Liquorices
Sanskrit names   - Yashtimadhu, Yashti, Madhuka, Klitaka
Singhalese name- Velmi
Parts used   - Roots
Rasa          Madhura
            Guna         Guru, Snigdha
Veerya      Sheeta          
Vipaka      Madura              
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Pitta.
Promote eyesight, (balya) strengthening, improves the complexion, Aphrodisiac, Hair tonic, improves the voice, and removes the fatigue ness & emaciation (Kshaya).
Cures blood disorderes, edematous wounds, poisoning, vomiting, excessive thirst,
Medicinal uses
Poisoning & ulcerated wounds – root paste is applied locally.
Surgical wounds are healed with the local application of Yashtimadhu & ghee and pains are relieved.
Decoction of Yashtimadhu is used to wash eyes.
Liquorices powder along with other drugs is used for face pack.
Milk boiled with Yashtimadhu is effective in hoarseness caused due to shouting.
Yashtimadhu powder with ghee, honey and milk acts as an aphrodisiac.
Yashtyadi chourna
Yashtimadhvadi taila

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