
Monday, March 31, 2014

Perumkayam- පෙරැංකායම් - Ferula foetida

Botanical name   -Ferula foetida
Family                  -Umbellifereae
English name      - Asafoetida
Sanskrit names   - Hingu, Ramata, Atyugra, Jantughna, Sahasravedhi, Jantuka, Ramata,    
                               Bhutanashaka, Supadhupaka, Rakshoghna.
Singhalese name- Perumkayam
Parts used   - Latex
Rasa          Katu
            Guna         Laghu, Tikshna, Snigdha, Sara
Veerya      Ushna          
Vipaka      Katu                    
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Kapha. Vitiates Pitta.
Promote appetite and digestion. Antibacterial. Strengthening,
Cures – pains, Gulma, stomach diseases, (Murcha), (Apasmara) epilepsy.
Medicinal uses
Flatulence – Castor oil
Hingu is applied locally on the genitalia in impotency.
Hingu water is applied to reduce swelling and pain of guinea worm.
Roasted Hingu is given at the beginning of meal in hypo gastric pain and at the middle of the meal in epigastric conditions.
Respiratory conditions – Karpurahinguvati or raw hingu is used.
Process of purification- Two methods
1. 1 part of hingu is dissolved in 8 part of water and then dried on low flame in ghee layered iron pot.
2. Hingu is roasted in cow-ghee till it becomes dry and rough.
Tikulu hingu kvata
Hingvashtaka churna
Rajapravartana vati
Hingvadi vati


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