
Monday, March 31, 2014

Phoenix sylvestris - Indi - ඉදි

Botanical name   - Phoenix sylvestris
Family                 -Palmae
English name      -Date
Sanskrit names   - Kharjura, Khara skandha, Trun druma, Dura roha, Svadumastaka,
                            Pinda Kharjura – Sunepali, Mrudula, Dalahenaphala
Singhalese name- Indi
Types – 1. Kharjura
               2. Pinda Kharjura
Parts used   - fruits & seeds.

Rasa          Madhura
Guna         Guru, Snigdha,
Veerya       Sheeta          
Vipaka       Madhura
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Pitta.
Promote appetite, heart tonic, Trupti Kara, Pushtikara (obese the body), Vishtambhi, Aphrodisiac, (Balya) strengthening,
Cures – wounds, Ksaya, Flatulence, Vomiting, Fever, Diarrhea, thirst, Hunger, Cough, Asthma, (Mada) intoxication, (Murccha) faintness, (Madatya) alcohol intoxication.
 Pinda Kharjura - Cures (Srama) tiredness, (Bhranti) Vertigo, burning sensation, (Murccha) faintness, and (Raktapitta) bleeding disorders.  
Medicinal uses
Toothaches – decoction of the roots is used for gargling or root powder is applied on the tooth.
Bleeding disorders – fruits are given along with honey.
Kharjurarishta, Khajuradileha

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