
Monday, March 31, 2014

Madhuka indica - Me - මී

Botanical name   - Madhuka indica
Family                 - Sapotaceae
English name      - Indian butter tree / Mahwa tree
Sanskrit names   - Madhuka, Gudapushpa, Madhusrava, Vanaprastha, Madhushtila,    
Singhalese name-  Mee මී
Parts used   - Flowers, fruits, bark, oil & leaves.
Rasa          Madhura, Kashaya
Guna         Guru, Snigdha,
Veerya       Sheeta          
Vipaka       Madhura              

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Pitta.
Flowers – (Vrunhana) nourishing, (Vrushya) aphrodisiac, (Balya) strengthening,
Fruits – (Ahrudya) not good for heart. Cures excessive thirst, blood disorders, burning sensation, asthma, wounds, T.B                                            
Medicinal uses
Pittaja headache – flower juice is used as nasal drops.
Massage done with the oil prepared from Madhuka is analgesic.
Flower juice is rubbed on the skin in dermatose.
The pulp of the seeds is used to prepare vaginal suppository for inducing menstrual bleeding.
Nerve disorders – flower pulp is given along with milk as a nervine tonic.
Bleeding disorders – juice of fresh flowers is used.
Sarvavishadi taila

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