
Monday, March 31, 2014

Areca catachu - Puvak- පුවක්/ सुपारी / பாக்கு / Betel nut

Botanical name  - Areca catachu
Family                 - Palmae
English name      - Betel nut  
Sanskrit names   - Ghoranta, Pugi, Puga, Guvaka, Kramuka
Singhalese name- Puvak
English (betelnut palm,arecanut,betel palm,betel-nut,supari palm,pinang palm); Filipino (bunga); French (arec cachou,Arequier); German (Arecapalme,Betelnußpalme); Hindi (adike,poogiphalam,adakka,supari); Italian (Avellana d'India); Malay (adakka-maram,kavugu); Sinhala (puwak); Spanish (palma catechou); Tamil (kamugu); Thai (maak mia); Trade name (areca nut,betel nut); Vietnamese (cao)

Parts used   - Catachu, Roots & Flowers
Rasa          Kashaya, Madhura
Guna         Guru, Ruksha  
Veerya      Sheeta               
Vipaka      Katu  
Attributes / Karma:
Fruit – alleviates Kapha. (Moha Kara), promote appetite, removes bad taste of the mouth (Mukha Vairasya)
Tender fruits – Guru, Abhishyandi, removes the appetite.
Boiled fruits – Alleviates Tri- dosha.                                  
Medicinal uses
Leucorrhoea – tampon dipped in its decoction is kept in vagina.
Powder is sprinkled on wounds.
Eye disorders – water boiled in flowers is used as eyewash.
Black powder of nut is used in tooth powder.
Round & flat worm infestation – 3g betel nut + 2g lemon juice or 250ml of milk is given after a fast of 12-14 hours, kills & expels the worms.

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