
Monday, March 31, 2014

Punica granatum - Delum- ද‍ෙලුම්

Botanical name  - Punica granatum
Family                 - Punicaceae
English name      - Pomegranate
Sanskrit names   - Dadim, Karaka, Dntabeja, Lohitha pushpaka,
Singhalese name-  Delum

Types – 1. Madhura
 2. Madhuramla
              3. Amla

Parts used   - Fruit, rind of the fruit, root, root bark.

Rasa          Madhura, Kshaya, Amla
Guna          Laghu, Snigdha
Veerya       Anushna          
Vipaka       Madhur of Madhura              
                               Amla of Amla

Attributes / Karma:
Madhura - Alleviates Tri dosha. (Trupti Kara), aphrodisiac, (Balya) strengthening. Cures excessive thirst, burning sensation, fever, cardiac, throat & oral diseases.
Madhuramla – Vitiates Pitta slightly. Promote appetite & digestion.
Amla – Alleviates Kapha & Vata. Vitiates Pitta.  
Medicinal uses
Throat & oral disorders – decoction of the bark is used for gargle.
In epistxis – nasal drops of the juice of fruit is used.
The juice of the fruit & decoction of the root bark are strong vermifuges.
In infantile Kapha disorders – the fruit is ground in goat’s milk & is given as a licking agent.
Diarrhea – juice obtain from the raw fruit by the method of Putapaka is used along with honey.
Dadima catussma churn, Dadimashtka churna, Dadimadi ghrita, Dadimadya taila,

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