
Monday, March 31, 2014

Musa paradisiaca - Kesel - කෙස‍ෙල්

Botanical name  - Musa paradisiaca
Family                 - Scitaminaceae
English name      -  Banana / Plantain
Sanskrit names   - Kadali, Varana, Moca, Ambusara, Ansumati phala,                            
Singhalese name- Kesel
Parts used   - Fruit, Rhizome.
Rasa          Kashaya, Madhura,
Guna         Snigdha
Veerya      Sheeta            
Vipaka      Madhura

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Pitta.
Row fruit – Alleviates Kapha Vata. Removes (Vishthambha), Guru, cures (RaktaPitta) bleeding disorders, burning sensation, excessive thirst, wounds, T.B
Ripe fruit – aphrodisiac, promote appetite; (Mansa krut) cures hunger & thirst, eye disorders, diabetes.                                                                                                                        
Medicinal uses
Burnt injuries – fruit pulp, leaves & flowers are applied locally.
Dysuria – paste of the rhizome is applied on the lower abdomen.
Sidma kushta ( psoriasis) – mixture of turmeric & banana Kshara is applied

Hysteria & epilepsy – juice of stalk is used.
Diarrhea & dysentery – raw as well as ripe fruit is given.
Excessive thirst & cholera – sherbet of ripe fruits is given.
Juice of stalk is given in morphine & arsenic toxicity as an antidote.
Ripe fruit act as an expectorant if given in dry cough.
Kadalyadi ghrita
Kadali kshara

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