
Monday, March 31, 2014

Strychnos potatorum - Ingini - ඉගිනි

Botanical name   - Strychnos potatorum
Family                 - Loganiaceae
English name      - Clearing Nut
Sanskrit names   - Payahprasadi, Kataka, Kata, Kataphala    
Singhalese name-  Ingini
Parts used   -  Seeds, fruits, leaves & bark.
Rasa          Madhura, Kashaya
Guna         Laghu, Vishada
Veerya       Sheeta          
Vipaka       Madhura
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Kapha.
Promote eyesight, purify water.                                      
Medicinal uses
Cornel ulcers & chronic conjunctivitis – it is rubbed in honey & applied in the eye as Anjana.
Abscess – powdered seeds along with the honey are applied.
Diabetes – decoction of the seeds is used.
Cholera – powdered bark is used with lime juice.
Pyurea, dysuria due to calculi – cold decoction of powdered seeds in king coconut water is used.
Kataka ghrita

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