
Monday, March 31, 2014

Cocus nucifera - Coconut- පා‍ෙල්

Botanical name  - Cocus nucifera
Family                 - Palmae
English name      - Coconut
Sanskrit names   - Narikela, Drudaphala, Langali, Kurcasirshaka, Tunga, Skandhaphala,
                               Trunaraja, Sadaphala,
Singhalese name- Pol
Parts used   - Flowers, Fruits, roots, kshara & Oil.
Rasa          Madhura
Guna         Snigdha
Veerya      Sheeta            
Vipaka      Madhura

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Pitta.
Fruit – heard to digest. (Durjara) cleans the bladder, Vishtambhi (obstructing), (Vrunhana) nourishing, (Balya) strengthening, cures blood disorders, burning sensation,
Soft morrow of the medium fruit – specially cures fever & other disorders due to Pitta.
Hard morrow of the mature fruit – Guru, (Vidahi) causes burning & inflammation, Vishtambhi, Vitiates Pitta,
Water of the medium fruit – Laghu, Alleviates Pitta, heart tonic, promote appetite, aphrodisiac, fulfill the thirst, cleans the bladder.                            
Medicinal uses
Bleeding gums – decoction of the roots is used as a gargle.
Oil is hair tonic.
Oral infections – powder of kernel mixed with dry ginger is used.

Dysuria, pyuria – water of medium fruit is given along with powdered sandalwood.

Narikela khanda,
Narikela lavana

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