
Monday, March 31, 2014

Tala- තල - Sesamum indicum

Botanical name   -Sesamum indicum
Family                  -Pedalianeae
English name      - Sesamum
Sanskrit names   - Tila, Asita tila, Pavitra, Hemadhanyaka, Papaghna
                                Oil – Taila, Snehottama, Tilaja, Tilasambhava
Singhalese name-  Tala
Parts used   - Seeds, oil, whole plant
Rasa          Madhura
            Guna         Guru, Snigdha
Veerya      Ushna          
Vipaka      Madhura      
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata.Vitiates Pitta & Kapha.
Strengthening (Balya), useful for wound healing, dental health, skin & hair.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Medicinal uses
Oil is very useful in dry skin. Its Snigdha guna increases the oleation by overcoming dryness.  
Paralysis – oil is used for massaging.
Piles – local application of oil pack in the anal region reduces the pain.
Decoction of the roots and leaves is used for washing the hair which is helpful in hair growth and making them black and soft.
Bleeding piles – seeds are given along with butter.
Amenorrhea – kshara of plant stalks is used.
Tila oil is considered to be the best for nourishing all the seven dhatus of the body. Therefore, it is useful as both food as well as medicine.
Tila taila

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