
Monday, March 31, 2014


Botanical name  -Ocimum sanctum
Family                 -Labiateae
English name      -Holy basil
Sanskrit names   - Tulasi, Surasa, Gramya, Sulabha, Bahumanjari, Apetarakshasi, Gauri,
                                Bhutaghni, Devadundubhi.
Singhalese name- - Madurutala
Verities – 1. White – White leaves
                  2. Black – Black leaves
Parts used   - Leaves, Roots & seeds
Rasa          Katu, Tikta
Guna         Laghu, ruksha
Veerya      Ushna              
Vipaka      Katu
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha & Vata. Vitiates Pitta. Heart tonic, Promote appetite, causes burning sensation.
Cures – skin diseases, dysurea (Mutrakruccha), blood disorders, (Parsva ruk) pain on the flanks.                                                                                                      
Medicinal uses
Chronic ulcer, edema & pain - paste of the leaves is used.
Earache – juice is used as eardrop.
Tulasi seeds are soaked in water & slimy Kheer is prepared from it which is given in dysentery.
Cough, dyspnoea & fever – leaves are given with honey.
Ring worm infections – paste of Tulasi leaves & black pepper is used.
Chronic fever – decoction of leaves is used.

Tulasi leave syrup, Surasadi peya

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