
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Feronia lemonia-Divul-දිවුල් - மரம் ஆப்பிள் - wood apple

Botanical name  -Feronia lemonia
Family                 -Rutaceae
English name      -Wood apple / Elephant apple
Tamil name   - மரம் ஆப்பிள்
Sanskrit names   -Kapittha, Dadhittha, Pushpa phala, Kapipriya, Dadhiphala, Dantasata,  
Singhala name- Divul
Morphology-a small tree with neumerous branches,smooth whitish bark,regular flowers,superior ovary,oblong seeds
Chemical constituent-Citric acid,volatile oils
Parts used   - Leaves, Bark, Fruits & gums.
Rasa          Kashaya, Amla
Guna         Laghu
Vipaka      Amla
Attributes / Karma:
Tender fruits – constipative. (Lekhana)
Ripe fruits – Guru. Alleviate Vata, Kapha. Constipative. Heard to digest. Cures thirst, Hiccough, Hoarseness of voice.                                                                                
Medicinal uses
Rat poisoning – porridge is made with juice of leaves & bark is given.
Piles & dysentery – juice of tender fruit + tender Bilva fruit is given along with honey.
Hiccough – juice of fruits given with honey & powdered Pippali.
Diarrhea – gum is given with honey.
Prepared drugs
Kapitthadi peya
Kapitthashtaka churna
 Sarvavishadi oil

Citrus aurantium-Embuldodam-ඇඹුල්දොඩමි

Botanical name   -Citrus aurantium
Family                 -Rutaceae
English name      - seville orange
Sanskrit names   - Jambira, Dantasatha, Jambha, Rambhira, Jambhala,                                                       Singhala name- Ebul dodam
Morphology-small tree 10m high,leaves acute apex ovate shape,petiole 2-3cm ,juice very sour,flowers large white colour,seed oval shape neumerous.
Chemical constituent-neroli bigarade,
Parts used   - fruits, leaves, roots.
Rasa          Amla
Guna         Guru
Veerya       Ushna          
Vipaka       Amla                
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha, Vata
Cures – Vibanda, Pain, Cough, (Kaphotklesha) vitiated Kapha, vomiting, thirst, Ama dosha, (Mukha vairasya) bad taste of the mouth, heart diseases, anorexia, (Krimi) parasitic infestation.                                  Medicinal uses
Stomachache with indigestion – juice of the fruit is given with ginger juice & honey.
Prepared drugs
Jambira kalka
Jambira lavana vati
Madhu sukti

Cynodon dactylon-Ithana-ඊතණ

Botanical name  -Cynodon dactylon
Family                 -Poaceae
English name      -Conch grass
Sanskrit names  - Blue- Nila durva, Ruha, Ananta, Bhargavi, Sataparvika, Sahasravirya,
                                         Sashpa, Satavalli
Singhalese name- Itana

Verities:    1. White – use as a medicine mainly.
                2. Blue
                3. Ganda Durva
Parts used   - Whole plant
Morphology-Perenial grass,slender stem,15-30cm long leaves.
Rasa          Madhura, Kashaya, Tikta
Guna         Laghu
Veerya      Sheeta              
Vipaka      Madhura
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Tri- dosha but mainly Kapha & Pitta.
White - (Ojo vardaka) improves the immunity. Cures – wounds, erysiphilus, blood disorders, excessive thirst, burning sensation.
Blue – Cures – blood disorders, erysiphilus, excessive thirst, skin diseases.
Ganda – Constipative. Cures – burning sensation, excessive thirst, skin disease, blood disorders, fever        
Discharging eye diseases – juice is applied around the eye.
Autorrhea – juice is used for nasya.
Bleeding disorders – decoction is used.

Prepared drugs
Durvadi ghrita, Durvadi oil, Durvadi kalka.

Vetiveria zizanioides-Savandara-සැවැන්දරා

Botanical name  -Vetiveria zizanioides
Family                 -Poaceae
English name      - khus khus grass or vetiveria
Sanskrit names  -Usira, Nalada, Amrunala, Sevya, Samagandhika
Singhalese name- Sevendara
Morphology-shrub,fibrous root system,roots consist essential oils,60-90cm high,sheething leaves,spike,
Chemical constituents-vetivone,vetivanic acid,essential oil   
Parts used   - root
Rasa        Madhura, Tikta,
Guna       Ruksha, Laghu,
Veerya    Sheeta                
Vipaka    Katu
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviate Kapha & Pitta. Digestive. Constipative.
Cures –fever, vomiting, intoxication, excessive thirst, blood diseases, poisoning, erysiphilus (visarpa), burning sensation, disurea, wounds                                        
Medicinal uses:
A thin layer of Usira is cool, refrigerant, deodorant & reduces perspiration.
Amoebic dysentery – fruit of Bilva & Usira is given.
Burning sensation & disurea- sherbet of Usira is given
Shadanga pana
Usiradi taila

Piper chavya-siviya-සිවිය

Botanical name   -Piper chavya
Family                 -Piperaceae
Sanskrit names   - Cavya, Cavika, Ūshna  
Singhalese name- Siviya
Morphology-climber,12-20cm long leaves,oval shape leaves,acute apex,bisexual flowers,spike inflorences
Parts used   - Roots
Rasa          Katu
Guna         Laghu
Veerya      Ushna            
Vipaka      Katu                
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Kapha.
Containing equal qualities of Pippali mula (Pipper longum)
 Cures disorders of stomach & piles.
Medicinal uses
Root is used for asthma, bronchitis, Fever, piles & pain in the abdomen.
Some times used as a substitute for roots of  piper longum.
Prepared drugs
        Pancha koola

Ficus religiosum-Boo-බෝ

 Botanical name  -Ficus religiosum
Family                 -Moraceae
English name      -Sacred fig
Sanskrit names   -Bodhidru, Pippala, Asvattha, Calapatra, Gajasana,
Singhalese name- - Bo / Aesatu
Morphology-large,glabrous,spreding branches tree,simple,entire ,alternate leaves,apex is lenear lanceolate,unisexual flowers,4types of flowers,overy superior,seeds pendulous
Parts used   - leaves, bark & fruits
Rasa          Kashaya
Guna         Guru, ruksha
Veerya      Sheeta            
Vipaka      Katu
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha & Pitta. Hared to digest, improves the complexion,
Cures – wounds, blood disorders, (Yoni dosha) vaginal diseases,                                                                                                                    
Medicinal uses
Complexion enhancer – paste of areal roots is applied locally.
Wounds – the powder of bark is sprinkled on the wounds.
Latex is useful in reducing pain & swelling.
Diabetes – fruits & bark are used.
Gout, blood disorders, bleeding disorders – decoction of the bark + honey is used.
Constipation - powdered dry fruits are given.
Fruits, roots, bark &areal roots processed in milk + sugar +honey is prescribed as an aphrodisiac.
Stomachache & constipation – ripe fruits are used.
Prepared drugs-pancha valkala,kashaya ,decoctions

Ficus bengalensis-Nuga-නුග

Botanical name  -Ficus bengalensis
Family               -Moraceae
English name      -Banyan tree
Sanskrit names   -Vata, Raktaphala, Srungi, Nyagrodha, Skandhaja, Dhrava, Ksheri,
                            Vaisravanavasa, bahupada, Vanaspati
Singhalese name - Nuga
Morphology-Very large evergreen tree,23-34m tall,huge spreding limbs,simple,alternate ,10-20cm long leaves,unisexual flowers,fruit with fleshy perycap,dark red
chemical constituent-tannic acid,albinoic acid,
Parts used   - Tender leaves, bark, aerial roots & latex
Rasa          Kashaya
Guna         Guru, ruksha
Veerya      Sheeta              
Vipaka      Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha & Pitta. (Grahi) constipative, improves the complexion,
Cures – wounds, (Visarpa) erysiphilus, burning sensation, (Yoni dosha)vaginal diseases.                               Medicinal uses
Latex of Vata is applied on wounds, creaked soles, synovitis, arthritis, lymphadenitis, otorrhoea, toothache, conjunctivitis & piles.
Areal roots in the form of paste are used to treat sagging breasts, skin diseases & skin ulcers.
Synovitis & other inflammatory conditions – leaves are tide locally over inflamed parts.
Leucorrhea – decoction of the bark is used for vaginal douching.
Diarrhea, amoebic dysentery, bacillary dysentery – the latex is given orally.
Latex is given with sugar as a remedy for premature ejaculation.
Tender leaves of Vata are used for (Garbhastapana) anti abortifacient.
Bleeding disorders (Rakta pitta) –pasted leaves are given with honey.
Prepared drugs-
Nyagrodhadi churna, Nyagrodhadi ghrita

Ficus glomerata-Attikka-අටිටික්කා

Botanical name  -Ficus glomerata
Family                 -Moraceae
English name      -Cluster fig, Country fig
Sanskrit names   -Udumbara, Jantuphala, Yachanga, Hemadugdhaka  
Singhalese name- - Attikka
Parts used   - bark, fruit, roots & latex
Morphology-tree 30m high,bark pinkish brown ,pale green leaves and lanceolate,overy dark red,sollitary flowers,seed 1mm in size
Types-nadee udumbara,kola udumbara
Chemical constituent-tanin,calcium,lignin,zinc
Rasa          Kashaya, Madhura
Guna         Guru, ruksha
Veerya      Sheeta              
Vipaka      Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha & Pitta. Improves the complexion, cleanse & heels the wounds (Vruna sodhana ropana), cures blood diseases.                                                                                                                  
Medicinal uses
To reduce edema - Latex is used as liniment.
Stomatitis – a thick decoction of bark is applied locally.
Pharyngitis & stomatitis – extract of bark is used as mouth wash & gargling.
Dysentery & Diarrhea associated with bleeding – decoction of bark is given or raw fruits are given as cooked vegetables.
Infantile diarrhea & teething problems - Latex is given with sugar
Bhashmaka roga (excessive hunger) – powder of bark is given with human milk & water.
Hiccough – fruit juice is given.
Jaundice – half a leaf is given with betel leaves.
Sperm debility – latex along with sugar or sugar preparations.
Diabetes – juice of fruits or roots is given.
Udumbara syrup
        Udumbara kwata
        Udumbara thaila

Tinospora cordifolia-Rasakinda-රසකිද

Botanical name  -Tinospora cordifolia
Family                 -Menispermaceae
English name      -Hert shape leaves mooseed
Sanskrit names  -Guduci, Maduparni, Amruta, Amrutavalli, Chinna, Chinnaruha,  
                              Chinnodbhava, Vatsadani, Jivanti, Tantrika, Soma, Somavalli, Kundali,          
                              Cakralakshanika, Dhira, Visalya, Rasayani, Candrahasi, Vayastha,
                              Mandali, Devanirmita
Singhalese name-Rasakinda
Verities: 1. Guduci
                2. Kanda guduci    
Parts used   - Bark
Rasa        Tikta, Katu, Kashaya
Guna       Lagu, Snigdha
Veerya    Ushna                
Vipaka    Madhura          
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviate Tri-dosha specially Pitta. (Balya) strengthening. Promote appetite.
Cures –Ama dosha, Excessive thirst, burning sensation, diabetes, cough, Pandu, (kamala) Jaundice, skin diseases, (vata rakta) Rheumatoid arthritis, fever, parasitic infection, asthma, piles, disurea, Heart diseases,     Chemical constituents-Isocolombin/Palmatine/Alkaloid/Cordifol              
Medicinal uses:
Guduci oil is used for massage in dermatoses in Gout.
For rejuvenating – Guduci satva with ghee & honey.
Skin diseases – decoction of Guduci & Amalaki is used.
Frequent fever due to debility – Decoction of Guduci is given two times a day.
Used part-Leaves/stem/root
Amurta arishta
Amurtadi grita
Guduci taila

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Citrus acida-lime-දෙහි

Botanical name-Citrus acid
Other names-

  • Sinhala-දෙහි
  • Tamil-Amru,Arunam
  • English-lime
  • Sanskrit-Jambira,Amlasara
morphology-small tree,5-7.5 large leaves,oval shape leaves,apex of leaves are acute,petiole has wings,white colour flowers,fruit is yellowish green,oval shape ,juice is soue,seeds are oval shape and white flowers,
Types-According to the shape and size there are sinhala dehi,rata dehi,kudaludehi,wal dehi,oddi dehi,and naran dehi.
chemical constitute -flavanoid,Ergosterol,terpins,geraniol

  • Rasa-amla
  • Guna-lagu
  • Veerya-ushna
  • Vipaka-madura
effect on dosha-Kapha vata shamaka,pitta shamaka,pitta sharaka,kapha nissaraka,
Pharmacological action-krimigna,agnideepaka,deepana,pachana,vamananashaka,hridaya,anuloomana,chakshushaya,
Therapeutic action- sithada roga,udara rooga,thrushna,vamana,aruchi,ajirana,atheesara,
Prepared drugs-dasadunkalka,ra basna, lichuka thaila,jambira thaila,dalu anupana,panca valkala

Piper longum-Tippili-තිප්පිලි

Botanical Name-Piper longum
Family              -Piperaceae
English Name  -Long pepper
Sanskrit Names- Pippali, Magadhi, Krushna, Vaidehi, Chapala, Kana, Upakulya, Ushna,
                           Shaundi, Kola, Thikshnathandula
Singhalese Name-Tippili
Parts used-Fruit
            Rasa        Katu
           Guna        Laghu, Snigdha, Tikshna
           Veerya     Anushnasheeta (not warm, cooling)
           Vipaka     Madura
         Dry pippali-Alliviate Vata & Kapha
         Fresh pippali-Alliviate Pitta
         Appetite stimulant, mild laxative, analgesic, rejuvenating
         Cures- Vomiting, Asthma, Cough, Heart diseases, Edema, Flatulence
                     Fever, Skin diseases (kusta), Diabetes (meha), Hemorrhoids, Spleenic
                     Disorders (pleeha)
•Pippali with honey-cures Asthma, Cough, Fever
•One part of pippali with two parts of jaggery-cures chronic fever (jeerna jvara), cough, digestive disorders, Anorexia, Asthma, Heart diseases, Anemia, Parasitic  infection (krimi)
•For Rasayana effect (Rejuvenating)-pippali with honey given for a fixed period of time by increasing one each day, when it come to stage of feel gastric burning & etc:then it tail off.Roots of Pipper longum
Aggravate pitta Promote appetite & digestion, mild laxative.
Cures-Gastric disorders
Pippali khanda
Pippalyadi lauha

Friday, November 8, 2013

Gossypium herbaceum-Kapu කපු

Botanical name  -Gossypium herbaceum
Family                 -Malvaceae
English name      -Cotton wool tree
Sanskrit names  - Karpasi, Tundiker, Samudranta
Singhalese name- Kapu
Parts used   -Leaves, bark, Root bark & seeds.
Rasa          Madhura, Kashaya
Guna         Laghu, Snigdha
Veerya      Slightly Ushna                
Vipaka      Madhura          
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviate Vata. Aggravates Kapha& Pitta.
Leaves – (Rakta vardaka) improves blood. Diuretic.
Cures – (Karna pidaka) abscess of ear, (Karna nada) tinnitus, (Karna puya) purulent discharge from ear.
Seeds – Galactogogue, Aprodiciac,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            uses:
Decoction of leaves & roots are used for hip bath in uterine disorders.
External application has analgesic & wound healing property.
Decoction or powder of roots is given in amenorrhea & dysmenorrhea.
It is used in post partum period to contract uterus.
Seed pulp is a good laxative.
Karpasadi taila

Piper nigrum-Gammiris ගම්මිරිස්

Botanical Name  -Piper nigrum
Family                -Piperaceae
English Name    -Black pepper
Sanskrit Name   -Maricha, wellaja, Krushna, Ushna
Singhalese Name-Gammiris
Parts used-Fruit, leaf (for external use)
         Rasa       Katu
         Guna      Laghu, Tikshna
         Veerya   Ushna
         Vipaka   Katu
Types-kalu gammiris(Blac pepper)
       Alleviate Kapha & Vata, aggravate Pitta.
       Cures-Asthma, Parasitic infections (Krimi)
       Promoter of eyesight (chaksusya)
       Aphrodisiac (vrushya), appetite stimulant, cures cough
•Toothache- brushed with pepper powder.Use decoction of Pepper, dried ginger, & Long pepper for gargles
•Night blindness-past of pepper & Cured is applied under eye (Anjana)
•Leucoderma/skin diseases (kusta) - local application of powdered pepper & Sesame oil are done.
•Vataja peenasa- Mixture of pepper & Cured is used.
•Diarrhea (pravahika)-powdered pepper with honey is used.
  Maricadi churna
       Maricchadi lepa
       Ajamodadi churna

Cinnamomum zeylonica -Kurudu කුරුදු

Botanical Name: Cinnamomum zeylonica 
Family: Lauraceae
English Name: Cinnamon
Sanskrit Name: Tvak, Varanga, Sainhala, Katuprni, Coca
Singhalese name: Kurundu
Parts used: bark of the tree
Rasa       Katu, Tikta, Madura
Guna   Laghu, Ruksha Tikshne
Veerya Ushna
Vipaka   Katu
 Alleviates Kapha & Vata.
Promote digestion.
Cures - heart diseases, (vasti) bladder disorders, (krimi) parasitic infections, (pinasa), (kasa) coughing, and wounds of the lungs.
Headaches-mixture of cinnamon oil & other oil is applied on forehead.
Leucoderma-cinnamon oil is used as an external application.
Flatulence (admana)-Cinnamon oil with sugar is used.
TB/ Chronic cough-Cinnamon oil is applied on chest.
Dental caries-Place cotton wool soaked one or two drops of cinnamon oil.

Alyssicarpus vaginalis-Aswanna- අස්වැන්න

Botanical Name  - Alyssicarpus vaginalis
Family         - Fabaceae
Tamil Name -Pullaridi
Sanskrit Names   - Saliparni, Sthira, Saumya, Triparni, Jivari, Guha, Vidarigandha,
                             Dirghangi, Dirghapatra, Ansumati,
Singhalese Name – Asvanna
Parts used          - whole plant specially root.
Morphology-perenial herb,leaves unifoliate,corolla redish,seeds 1.3-1.6mm long
Rasa         Madhura, Tikta
Guna         Guru, Snigdha
Veerya       Ushna
Vipaka       Madhura
Attributes / Karma:Alleviate Tri-dosha
                             Aphrodisiac, rejuvenating, antidote
Cures – vomiting, fever, asthma, diarrhea, TB, ulcers of the lung, cough, parasitic infection                             Chemical constitiuents:Cu/Mn/Si/Ca/galactose
Vata disorders of heart / palpitation- Saliparni boiled in milk is used.
Haemoptysis – decoction of Saliparni is given
For nourishment of fetal – milk boiled with the roots of Saliparni is given.    
Dasamularishta/shaliparnadi kwata/Siddarta taila/ Mahanarayana taila/Aswanna moolasara ausada

Monday, October 28, 2013

Garlic - Sudu loonu සුදු ළුනු.

Name of Medicinal plant :- Allium Sativum L
Family :- Alliaceae
Other Names:-

  • English - Garlic 
  • Sinhala - Sudu loonu/ Helbiju / Helloonu
  • Tamil - Vellapudu
  • Sans. - Lashuna
Synonyms - Helaloonu/ Lashuna/ Rasona / Milecchakanda/ Yavaneshta/ Ugraganda / Shethamardaka / Yavaneshta / Mahakanda / Buthagna
Morphology :- Short flat bulbous herb giving off slender below thin, scales, which are enlarged & dilated below oblong ovoid sessile bulb flowering stem. flowers purplish red regular  bisexual very long stalked projecting beyond the bulbils
Chemical constituent - sulpher,allin,allicin,charbohydrate,fructose,thioglycosid,calcium

Friday, October 25, 2013

Alpinia calcarata -(Araththa) -අරත්ත.

Name of the plant :- Alpinia calcarata
Other names
  • Sinhala - Araththa /අරත්ත
  • Tamil - Arathtal
  • Sans. - Kulinjana.
Synonyms - Rasna / Ugraganda / Raktapushpi/ Nakulika / Sughandamula.
Morphology :- Arial part is 1m height, petiole less, 30 - 45 cm long leaves , Both side of leaves are smooth , Specials are white color & have pupal & red lines on it, Bilabial flower, Frut is ovel shape, Orange - Red colour
Types :- Maha araththa/ Heen Araththa/ Cheena Araththa/ Java Araththa
Properties -

  • Rosa - Katu
  • Guna - Lagu/ Ruksha / Tikshana
  • Virya - Ushna
  • Vipaka - Katu
Effect on dosha- Kaphagna/Pacify Kapha & vata.
Pharmacological action :- Lekhana/ Nadicuttejaka/ Recana / Deepana/ Anuloomana/ Hrda avasadaka/ Vajikarna / Shitha prashamana / Shula hara.
Therapeutic action :- Sandi shula / Amavata / Swara beda / Athisweda/ Aruchi

Java galangal - Iguru piyali - ඉගුරු පියලි

Name of the medicinal plant : Kempfria galanga L
Other name :- 
  • English - Java galangal
  • Sinhala - Iguru piyali ( ඉගුරු පියලි) / Gandagatiya (ගන්ධගතිය)
  • Tamil - Kachcholakilangu
  • Sans. - Candramula
Synonyms :- Suganda Vaca/ Gandamulika / Gandanisa / Gandaplashi/ Gandapalashu
Morphology:- Biennial with & succulent tuberous root , have plesant smell, Leaves few up to 10 x 15 cm , green inflorescence sessile, Sheathing leaves/ White colour flowers,have violet band.

Types - Smell have only tubers and Smell have tuber & leaves.
Chemical constituents - n-pentadecane/ ethyl cinnamate/ camphence/ borneol/ Ethyl propenoate
  • Rasa - Katu / Thikta / Kashaya
  • Guna - Lagu / Tikshana
  • Veerya - Ushna.
  • Vipaka - Katu
Effect on dosha :- Pacify Vatha & Kapha.
Pharmacological action :- Shotahara / Vedanasthapana / Danthya/ Keshya / Raktasodaka / Jwaragna
Therapeutic action :- Udarashoola/ Agnimandaya/ Vamana/ Aruchi / Muka rooga / Dantasula / Shiro roga/ Charma roga / Jwara / Kasaha/ Swana / Hikka / Prathishya
Part of use :- Dried slices of rhizome.

Turmeric - Kaha - කහ

Name of medicinal plant : Curcuma longa L
Other names :- 
  • English - Tumeric
  • Tamil - Manjal(மஞ்சள்)/ மஞ்சள் செடி
  • Sinhala - Kaha (කහ)/ඇත් කහ/අමු කහ
  • Sans - Haridra
Synonyms :- Haridra/ Rajani / Kancani / Krumigni.
Morlhology :- Rhizome arage within, Leaf tuft to 1m, lamina green, lanceolate. Corolla white , Labellum with central yellow band.
Types : Turmeric is three type according to Ayurveda.
 >  Haridra , Karpura Haridra and Amragandha Haridra 
 practically found two types 
>Ath kaha and Haran Kaha
Chemical constituent :- Essential oils from rhizome / alpha-tumerone / major compound/ Beta-tumerone/tripenole.
Properties :- 
  • Rosa - Katu / Tikta 
  • Guna - Lagu / Ruksha
  • Veerya - Ushna
  • Vipaka - Katu
Effect on Dosha - Pacific vata & kapha
Pharmacologinal action :- Rucivardaka/ Anulomana/ Swasakasa hara/Shodaka / Shotahara / Medagna / Krimigna / Kaphahara / Amapacaka / Raktha Vardhaka.
Therapeutic action - Twakdosha / Meha / Madhumeha / Shotha/ Ractha dosha / Vrna / Pacaha / Aruci / Kamala /Swasa / Kasa
Part of used :- Rhizome/Flower/ Pseudo stem.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Zingiber officinale - Inguru - ඉඟුරු

Botanical Name - Zingiber officinale.
Family         - Zingiberaceae
English Name   - Ginger
Sanskrit Names -Dry ginger-Shunti, Vishva, Nagara, Vishvabheshaja, Vishvaushadha,Mahaushadha.  
                         Citraka, Kola, Srungavera, Bheshaja, Ushnaka.Fresh ginger-Ardraka, Srungavera, Ardrika
Singhalese Name-Inguru
Morphology-Leafy stem 2m ,leaves sessile,acuminate,narrow,flowers are dull yellow,anther crest dark purpale,have rhizomes.
Chemical - Camphen/ Zingiber officinella/ beta myrcene.
Types -Wild ginger /Affrican ginger / Calicot ginger / Japanes ginger / Cakutta ginger
Parts used     - Rhizome (fresh or dry)
             Rasa      Katu
             Guna      Laghu, snigdha
             Veerya    Ushna
             Vipaka    Madhura        
Effect on dosha-Alleviate Kapha & Vata
Pharmacological action -Promote appetite & digestion, Aphrodisiac ,Anulomana,vrushya.
Therapeutic action- Vomiting, Asthma, Cough, Heart diseases, swelling due to Filariasis (Sleepada shopha), Flatulance, abdominal pains, swollen joints in Rheumatoid Arthritis.                                                            
•Powdered ginger & oil is use for massage to reduce Chills.
•Dry ginger powder is rubbed on the skin in excessive swelling & in hypothermia.
 Digestive disorders (Ajeerna)-Fresh ginger with Saindawa (rock salt)
 Hiccoughs – Nasal douche by fresh ginger juice & sugar
 Diarrhea –Juice of fresh ginger & Iriveriya (Plectranthus zeylanicus) with honey.
 Asthma-Fresh ginger juice with gaggery.
Prepared drugs
Sunti churna
Ardraka leha
Suntyadi kvata

Barleria prionitis - Katukaradu - කටුකරඬු

Botanical name  -Barleria prionitis
Family          -Acantheceae
Sanskrit names  - Sairyaka, Svetapushpa, Saireya, Katasarica, Sahacara, Bhindi.                            
Singhalese name- - Katu karadu
Morphology - Shrub with sharp spine,1.75m in high,much branched,leaves ovate to obovate,
             flowers large ,solitary,bright orange or yellow colour,seeds 2 oval shape.
Chemicals - Iridoid glycosides/ Barlarian verbascosine/ Flavone
Types – 1. Whitish yellow
        2. Whitish red
        3. Blue
Parts used   - roots & whole plant
Properties -    
Rasa         Madhura, slightly Amla
Guna         Laghu, Tikta
Veerya       Ushna            
Vipaka       Katu
Effect on dosha / Karma - Alleviates Kapha & Vata.
Pharmacological action - Shothahara,kushta vardaka, agni deepaka,raktashodaka
Therapeutic action -
•Leaves are applied for healing of ulcers, urticaria, boils & lymphadenitis.
•A preparation of oil made from this plant is used in graying of hair & ulcers.
•Toothaches – juice of leaves is applied.
•Children’s cold & fever –juice of leaves is given with honey.
•Decoction of the leaves is used as antipyretic.
•Spermatorrhoea – juice of the leaves of white verity mixed with Vanopsika Viola odorata is used.
Prepared drugs -Koranda taila, Mahakoranda taila, Maha bala koranda taila,

Solanum melongena - Elabatu - එල බටු

Botanical Name  – Solanum melongena
Family          - Solanaceae
English Name    - Egg plant
Sanskrit Names  - Vartaki, Kshudrabhantaki, Mahati, Vruhati, Kuli, Hinguli, Rashtri, Sinhi, Mahoti, Dushpradhrshini                    
Singhalese Name - Ela batu
Morphology      - Herb 40-60cm high,woody at the base,much branched and spreding, leaves ovate in out line,
                  flowers solitary or few ,ovary glabrous,yelowish rounded fruit,or purple colour.
Chemical        - Amino acid / valin / Glucose / farnesol / Lenoleic acid / Palmatic acid etc
Types           - Batu / Ella Batu
Parts used      - root, fruit, seeds
Rasa        Katu, Tikta
Guna        Laghu, Ruksha, tikshna
Veerya      Ushna
Vipaka      Katu
Effect on dosha Karma - Alleviate Vata & Kapha
Pharmacological action - Constipative (grahi), cardiac tonic, promote digestion.
Therapeutic action   – bad tast of mouth (muka vairasya), anorexia, skin disorders (kushta), fever, asthma,
                        Pains, cough, indigestion
•Indralupta – locally applied the juice of fruit with honey.
•Impotency – powdered seeds are applied on the genitalia.
•In unconsciousness – powder of seeds are administered nasally.
•Vomiting – juice of the fruits + cow’s ghee + honey is given.
•Cough, asthma – decoction of roots is given with honey & powdered pippali
Prepared drugs:
Bruhati syrup

Solanum virginianum - Katuwalbatu - කටුවැල් බටු

Botanical Name   - Solanum virginianum
Family           - Solanaceae
English Name     - Wild eggplant
Sanskrit Names   - Kantakari, Dusparsa, Kshudra, Vyaghri, Nidigdhika, Kantakini, Dhavani,
Singhalese Name  - Katuvalbatu
Morphology       - A very prickly small shrub,20-40cm high,leaves deeply pinnate,have prickles, few flowered, corolla violet ,fruits spherical,yellow,glabrous.
Chemicals        - Glycobases/ Solamargin/ glycoalkaloid/ Linoleic acid/ Farnesol/ glycosides.
Parts used       - whole plant
Rasa            Tikta, Katu
Guna            Laghu, Ruksha
Veerya          Ushna
Vipaka          Katu
Effect on dosha /Karma - Alleviate Kapha & Vata
Pharmocological action - Vedana nashaka,Grahi,Deepana,pachana,Nutritive tonic, promote appetite & digestion.
Therapeutic action - cough, asthma, fever, chronic rhinitis (peenasa), pain of the flank ,
Parasitic infections, cardiac diseases.                                        
•Dental caries, dental pain
•Chronic cough in children – powdered steamed of flowers are given to lick with honey.
•Asthma – pasted roots are given to lick.
•Cough – green gram soup is made by using decoction of Kantakari.
Prepared drugs -
Kantakari syrup
        kantakari kalka
        Panca tikta gritha

Clitoria terneata - Katarodu - කටරොඩු

Botanical name  -Clitoria terneata
Family          -Fabaceae
English name    -Winged leaved clitoria
Sanskrit names  -Asphota, Girikarni, Vishnu priya,
Singhalese name -Katarolu / Katarodu.
Morphology - vines about 2m long,leaves pinnate,flowers inverted,white,purple,blue color flowers,ovary pubesent, seed ovoid oblong.
Chemicales - beta sitosterol,kaempferol,rutinosides,hexacosanol etc
Types – depending on the color of flowers
Parts used   -Root, Leaves, and seeds.
Rasa        Tikta ,Katu ,Keshena
Guna        Ruksha, Laghu,
Veerya      Sheeta                
Vipaka      Katu        
Effect on dosha / Karma:Alleviate Tri- dosha.
Pharmacological action - generating intelligence cleans the throat. Promote eyesight. Promote intellect & memory .
Therapeutic action –skin diseases, urinary disorders, Ama dosha, edema, wounds, poisoning
                    Otitis with lymphadenitis – crushed leaves mixed with Saindava is applied locally.
                    Tonsillitis –seeds ground in honey are used
                    Headache, migraine – nasal insufflations of root powder is done.
           Cervical lymphadenitis – root powder is given orally.
           The juice of roots along with milk is an expectorant.
prepared drugs - tora wathura thaila,siddhartaka grithaya.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Plumbago indica - Nitol - නිටොල්

Botanical Name   - Plumbago indica / Plumbago rosea  (red flower)
Botanical Name   - Plumbago zeylanica             (white flower)
Family                 - Plumbaginaceae
English Name     - Lead wart
Sanskrit Names   - Citraka, Pitha, Vyala, Usna,
Singhalese Name  - Nitol (Rath/Ela)
Parts used       - Root bark
                   Rasa       Katu, Tikta
                   Guna       Tikshna, Laghu, Ruksha
                   Veerya     Ushna
                   Vipaka     Katu
Physical description: smooth & perennial plant, Simple leaves, oval shape,
                      10 cm long. Flowers are bisexual purple or pink color
                       5 sepals.Fruit is 2 cm long.
Climate zone:   South Asia is the native land.
                        Sri Lanka India are cultivate this plant
Lighting:      Shelter
Soil types:   Inorganic, moisture soil is good. Special wet zone is good.
Watering:    Normal
How to propagate (i.e. leaf cutting, root cutting, etc.):
Stem cutting are use to propagate 10 cm long stem cutting are used. 1 or 3 nods should be in each cutting.
Soil : Sand : composed
1 : 1 : 1
Materials Used: Propergation media (1:1:1=Sand: Soil: Compost)
Mother plant
Procedure for propagation:
•Select suitable mother plant
•Select proper well grown branch
•Cut a stem about 10cm long
•Put it in to a water
•1-3 bud should be in this stem
•Planting the plant in propagation media
•Keep them in cool dry place
•After 2 weeks plant can move in to the field
•In the field 30x30x30cm holes are need 120x90cm distance should be in each and every plant

Terminalia belerica - Bulu -බුළු

Botanical Name-Terminalia belerica
English Name-Belaric myrobalan
Tamil Name-Akkam
Sanskrit Name-Bibheetaka, Karshaphala, Aksha, Kalidruma, Bhootawasa,                   
                           Wasantha, Bhootavruksha
Singhalese Name-Bulu
Parts used-Fruit (except covering of seed)
              Rasa       Kashaya
              Guna      Ruksha, Laghu,
              Veerya   Ushna
              Vipaka   Madhura.       
Morphology-large deciduous tree ,8-20m high,brown bark,simple alternate oval shape leaves,glabrous and shine leaves,regular ,greenish yellow,bisexual flowers,5 sepals ,inferior ovary,indehesant ,drupe,brownish yellow fruit.  
Types -black & white color berry
Chemicals-Oxalic acid/garlic acid/ lignans
Effect on Dosha -Pacify thri dosha
Pharmacological action -deepana /anulomana/pacana/krimigna /grahi/ vishagna /jwaragna/vajikarana
Therapeutic action -kasa/ Ashmari/Nethra roga/ kasa/krimi roga 
Prepared drugs -Tripala oil/Thripala churna /Thripala kwata /Vibhithaki ashwaganda yogaya

Terminalia chebula -Aralu-අරළු

Name of the plant :Terminalia chebula
Other names         :Sinhala -Aralu
                              English-Chebulic Myrobaln
Synonyms            :Abaya/ Harithaki/ Pathya/ Wayastha/ Jiwani/ Haimawathi/ Bishagwara/ Jaayaa
morphology          :A moderate size tree with very thick gray brown bark.simple alternate leaves.small                                        regular ,bisexual ,greenish white flowers,ovaries are inferior,fruits are drupe and yellowish                              green ,seeds are solitary.
Types                   :There are 7 types according to Ayurveda,
Chemical              :garlic acid/ Chebulic acid/ Mirobalanin/ Tannin
Properties             :Rasa-katu/amla/kashaya
                             Guna-lagu/ ruksha
                             Prabawa-threedosha hara
Used part             :Shell of a fruit
Effect on dosha     :Thridosha hara
Pharmacological action:deepana/ Pacana/ Anuloomana/vrnashodana
Therapeutic action;constipation/ arshas/ eyedisease/improve complexion
Prepared drugs      :Thripala oil/ Thripala decoction/ Thirapala capsules /Thripala curna

Friday, October 11, 2013

Santalum album - Suduhandun සුදු හඳුන්

Botanical name- Santalum album 
Family -Santalaceae.
English name-Sandalwood
Sanskrit names -Sitabhra, Himavaluka, Ghanasara, Hima & the names given to moon.
Singhalese name- Sudu hadun
Morphology –Small tree, 6-10m hight, smooth bark & gray colour, leaves are  Simple, 1.2cm long, oval shape or lanciolate bisexual flowers, small, purpal red color, fruit is oval shape and when ripe it become   Black colour, flowering from March to May.
Parts used   - Heat wood, oil
Rasa - Madhura, Tikta,
Guna - Ruksha, Laghu,
Veerya - Sheeta                  
Vipaka - Katu          
Effect on dosha :Kapha pitta shamaka(pacify kapha &pitta)
Chemical constituents –sesquiterene alcohol/ Santalols/ Betulic acid
Pharmacological action-Hridaya,Raktasodaka,antipoisones,Diuretic,
            Skin disease,Jwaragna,Krimigna,Dhaha Prashamana,
Therapeutic action- Hikka / Vamana/Daha/Hrida roga /Jwara

Asparagus racemosus- Hathawariya හාතවාරිය

Name of the Medicinal Plant:- Asparagus recemosus.
Family - Asparagaceae
Other Names
  • English - Wikl asparagus
  • Tamil - Sangavari
  • Sanskrit - Shathawari
  • Sinhala - Hin-Hathawariya, Hathawariya
Synonyms - Shathamooli/ Madura/ Mahashitha/ Supathra/ Sukshma Pathra
Types - Maha Hathawariya/ Heen Hathawatiya
Morphology - Much branched shrub. 2m long when well grow. Root is a rhizome that contain scalis. Both end of rhizomes are thin. middle part of rhizome is thick. Roots are 10-15cm long, one shrub contain 20 - 30 roots. Leaves become spikes. acute apex, flowers are rasimose, solitary flowers.Flowers are pinkis white. Fruits are oval shape green color. seeds- contain 1 - 3 seeds in one fruit.
Chemical -

  • Plant - Saponins.
  • Flowers - quercetin / rution / hyperoside.
  • Fruit - Glyoo sides, rutin
  • Leaf - diosgenin
Hathawariya Leaves 
Parts of used - Roots/Leaves/Stems.
Prepared drugs - Shathawari grta/Shathawari modaka/Vishnu Oil/Prametha Oil/ Maha narayana Oil/Siddarthaka oil.

Hathawariya video