
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Plumbago indica - Nitol - නිටොල්

Botanical Name   - Plumbago indica / Plumbago rosea  (red flower)
Botanical Name   - Plumbago zeylanica             (white flower)
Family                 - Plumbaginaceae
English Name     - Lead wart
Sanskrit Names   - Citraka, Pitha, Vyala, Usna,
Singhalese Name  - Nitol (Rath/Ela)
Parts used       - Root bark
                   Rasa       Katu, Tikta
                   Guna       Tikshna, Laghu, Ruksha
                   Veerya     Ushna
                   Vipaka     Katu
Physical description: smooth & perennial plant, Simple leaves, oval shape,
                      10 cm long. Flowers are bisexual purple or pink color
                       5 sepals.Fruit is 2 cm long.
Climate zone:   South Asia is the native land.
                        Sri Lanka India are cultivate this plant
Lighting:      Shelter
Soil types:   Inorganic, moisture soil is good. Special wet zone is good.
Watering:    Normal
How to propagate (i.e. leaf cutting, root cutting, etc.):
Stem cutting are use to propagate 10 cm long stem cutting are used. 1 or 3 nods should be in each cutting.
Soil : Sand : composed
1 : 1 : 1
Materials Used: Propergation media (1:1:1=Sand: Soil: Compost)
Mother plant
Procedure for propagation:
•Select suitable mother plant
•Select proper well grown branch
•Cut a stem about 10cm long
•Put it in to a water
•1-3 bud should be in this stem
•Planting the plant in propagation media
•Keep them in cool dry place
•After 2 weeks plant can move in to the field
•In the field 30x30x30cm holes are need 120x90cm distance should be in each and every plant

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