
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Feronia lemonia-Divul-දිවුල් - மரம் ஆப்பிள் - wood apple

Botanical name  -Feronia lemonia
Family                 -Rutaceae
English name      -Wood apple / Elephant apple
Tamil name   - மரம் ஆப்பிள்
Sanskrit names   -Kapittha, Dadhittha, Pushpa phala, Kapipriya, Dadhiphala, Dantasata,  
Singhala name- Divul
Morphology-a small tree with neumerous branches,smooth whitish bark,regular flowers,superior ovary,oblong seeds
Chemical constituent-Citric acid,volatile oils
Parts used   - Leaves, Bark, Fruits & gums.
Rasa          Kashaya, Amla
Guna         Laghu
Vipaka      Amla
Attributes / Karma:
Tender fruits – constipative. (Lekhana)
Ripe fruits – Guru. Alleviate Vata, Kapha. Constipative. Heard to digest. Cures thirst, Hiccough, Hoarseness of voice.                                                                                
Medicinal uses
Rat poisoning – porridge is made with juice of leaves & bark is given.
Piles & dysentery – juice of tender fruit + tender Bilva fruit is given along with honey.
Hiccough – juice of fruits given with honey & powdered Pippali.
Diarrhea – gum is given with honey.
Prepared drugs
Kapitthadi peya
Kapitthashtaka churna
 Sarvavishadi oil

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