
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Barleria prionitis - Katukaradu - කටුකරඬු

Botanical name  -Barleria prionitis
Family          -Acantheceae
Sanskrit names  - Sairyaka, Svetapushpa, Saireya, Katasarica, Sahacara, Bhindi.                            
Singhalese name- - Katu karadu
Morphology - Shrub with sharp spine,1.75m in high,much branched,leaves ovate to obovate,
             flowers large ,solitary,bright orange or yellow colour,seeds 2 oval shape.
Chemicals - Iridoid glycosides/ Barlarian verbascosine/ Flavone
Types – 1. Whitish yellow
        2. Whitish red
        3. Blue
Parts used   - roots & whole plant
Properties -    
Rasa         Madhura, slightly Amla
Guna         Laghu, Tikta
Veerya       Ushna            
Vipaka       Katu
Effect on dosha / Karma - Alleviates Kapha & Vata.
Pharmacological action - Shothahara,kushta vardaka, agni deepaka,raktashodaka
Therapeutic action -
•Leaves are applied for healing of ulcers, urticaria, boils & lymphadenitis.
•A preparation of oil made from this plant is used in graying of hair & ulcers.
•Toothaches – juice of leaves is applied.
•Children’s cold & fever –juice of leaves is given with honey.
•Decoction of the leaves is used as antipyretic.
•Spermatorrhoea – juice of the leaves of white verity mixed with Vanopsika Viola odorata is used.
Prepared drugs -Koranda taila, Mahakoranda taila, Maha bala koranda taila,

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