
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ficus religiosum-Boo-බෝ

 Botanical name  -Ficus religiosum
Family                 -Moraceae
English name      -Sacred fig
Sanskrit names   -Bodhidru, Pippala, Asvattha, Calapatra, Gajasana,
Singhalese name- - Bo / Aesatu
Morphology-large,glabrous,spreding branches tree,simple,entire ,alternate leaves,apex is lenear lanceolate,unisexual flowers,4types of flowers,overy superior,seeds pendulous
Parts used   - leaves, bark & fruits
Rasa          Kashaya
Guna         Guru, ruksha
Veerya      Sheeta            
Vipaka      Katu
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha & Pitta. Hared to digest, improves the complexion,
Cures – wounds, blood disorders, (Yoni dosha) vaginal diseases,                                                                                                                    
Medicinal uses
Complexion enhancer – paste of areal roots is applied locally.
Wounds – the powder of bark is sprinkled on the wounds.
Latex is useful in reducing pain & swelling.
Diabetes – fruits & bark are used.
Gout, blood disorders, bleeding disorders – decoction of the bark + honey is used.
Constipation - powdered dry fruits are given.
Fruits, roots, bark &areal roots processed in milk + sugar +honey is prescribed as an aphrodisiac.
Stomachache & constipation – ripe fruits are used.
Prepared drugs-pancha valkala,kashaya ,decoctions

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