
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ficus bengalensis-Nuga-නුග

Botanical name  -Ficus bengalensis
Family               -Moraceae
English name      -Banyan tree
Sanskrit names   -Vata, Raktaphala, Srungi, Nyagrodha, Skandhaja, Dhrava, Ksheri,
                            Vaisravanavasa, bahupada, Vanaspati
Singhalese name - Nuga
Morphology-Very large evergreen tree,23-34m tall,huge spreding limbs,simple,alternate ,10-20cm long leaves,unisexual flowers,fruit with fleshy perycap,dark red
chemical constituent-tannic acid,albinoic acid,
Parts used   - Tender leaves, bark, aerial roots & latex
Rasa          Kashaya
Guna         Guru, ruksha
Veerya      Sheeta              
Vipaka      Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha & Pitta. (Grahi) constipative, improves the complexion,
Cures – wounds, (Visarpa) erysiphilus, burning sensation, (Yoni dosha)vaginal diseases.                               Medicinal uses
Latex of Vata is applied on wounds, creaked soles, synovitis, arthritis, lymphadenitis, otorrhoea, toothache, conjunctivitis & piles.
Areal roots in the form of paste are used to treat sagging breasts, skin diseases & skin ulcers.
Synovitis & other inflammatory conditions – leaves are tide locally over inflamed parts.
Leucorrhea – decoction of the bark is used for vaginal douching.
Diarrhea, amoebic dysentery, bacillary dysentery – the latex is given orally.
Latex is given with sugar as a remedy for premature ejaculation.
Tender leaves of Vata are used for (Garbhastapana) anti abortifacient.
Bleeding disorders (Rakta pitta) –pasted leaves are given with honey.
Prepared drugs-
Nyagrodhadi churna, Nyagrodhadi ghrita

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