
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Solanum melongena - Elabatu - එල බටු

Botanical Name  – Solanum melongena
Family          - Solanaceae
English Name    - Egg plant
Sanskrit Names  - Vartaki, Kshudrabhantaki, Mahati, Vruhati, Kuli, Hinguli, Rashtri, Sinhi, Mahoti, Dushpradhrshini                    
Singhalese Name - Ela batu
Morphology      - Herb 40-60cm high,woody at the base,much branched and spreding, leaves ovate in out line,
                  flowers solitary or few ,ovary glabrous,yelowish rounded fruit,or purple colour.
Chemical        - Amino acid / valin / Glucose / farnesol / Lenoleic acid / Palmatic acid etc
Types           - Batu / Ella Batu
Parts used      - root, fruit, seeds
Rasa        Katu, Tikta
Guna        Laghu, Ruksha, tikshna
Veerya      Ushna
Vipaka      Katu
Effect on dosha Karma - Alleviate Vata & Kapha
Pharmacological action - Constipative (grahi), cardiac tonic, promote digestion.
Therapeutic action   – bad tast of mouth (muka vairasya), anorexia, skin disorders (kushta), fever, asthma,
                        Pains, cough, indigestion
•Indralupta – locally applied the juice of fruit with honey.
•Impotency – powdered seeds are applied on the genitalia.
•In unconsciousness – powder of seeds are administered nasally.
•Vomiting – juice of the fruits + cow’s ghee + honey is given.
•Cough, asthma – decoction of roots is given with honey & powdered pippali
Prepared drugs:
Bruhati syrup

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