
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Clitoria terneata - Katarodu - කටරොඩු

Botanical name  -Clitoria terneata
Family          -Fabaceae
English name    -Winged leaved clitoria
Sanskrit names  -Asphota, Girikarni, Vishnu priya,
Singhalese name -Katarolu / Katarodu.
Morphology - vines about 2m long,leaves pinnate,flowers inverted,white,purple,blue color flowers,ovary pubesent, seed ovoid oblong.
Chemicales - beta sitosterol,kaempferol,rutinosides,hexacosanol etc
Types – depending on the color of flowers
Parts used   -Root, Leaves, and seeds.
Rasa        Tikta ,Katu ,Keshena
Guna        Ruksha, Laghu,
Veerya      Sheeta                
Vipaka      Katu        
Effect on dosha / Karma:Alleviate Tri- dosha.
Pharmacological action - generating intelligence cleans the throat. Promote eyesight. Promote intellect & memory .
Therapeutic action –skin diseases, urinary disorders, Ama dosha, edema, wounds, poisoning
                    Otitis with lymphadenitis – crushed leaves mixed with Saindava is applied locally.
                    Tonsillitis –seeds ground in honey are used
                    Headache, migraine – nasal insufflations of root powder is done.
           Cervical lymphadenitis – root powder is given orally.
           The juice of roots along with milk is an expectorant.
prepared drugs - tora wathura thaila,siddhartaka grithaya.

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