
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Solanum virginianum - Katuwalbatu - කටුවැල් බටු

Botanical Name   - Solanum virginianum
Family           - Solanaceae
English Name     - Wild eggplant
Sanskrit Names   - Kantakari, Dusparsa, Kshudra, Vyaghri, Nidigdhika, Kantakini, Dhavani,
Singhalese Name  - Katuvalbatu
Morphology       - A very prickly small shrub,20-40cm high,leaves deeply pinnate,have prickles, few flowered, corolla violet ,fruits spherical,yellow,glabrous.
Chemicals        - Glycobases/ Solamargin/ glycoalkaloid/ Linoleic acid/ Farnesol/ glycosides.
Parts used       - whole plant
Rasa            Tikta, Katu
Guna            Laghu, Ruksha
Veerya          Ushna
Vipaka          Katu
Effect on dosha /Karma - Alleviate Kapha & Vata
Pharmocological action - Vedana nashaka,Grahi,Deepana,pachana,Nutritive tonic, promote appetite & digestion.
Therapeutic action - cough, asthma, fever, chronic rhinitis (peenasa), pain of the flank ,
Parasitic infections, cardiac diseases.                                        
•Dental caries, dental pain
•Chronic cough in children – powdered steamed of flowers are given to lick with honey.
•Asthma – pasted roots are given to lick.
•Cough – green gram soup is made by using decoction of Kantakari.
Prepared drugs -
Kantakari syrup
        kantakari kalka
        Panca tikta gritha

1 comment:

  1. Good read! I have found this plant growing in waste land in many parts of Upper Kohistan District in Kyberphaktunkhwa Province, Pakistan. A consumer of marginal water and growing in degraded soils, cultivation of this plant could be expanded rapidly. Now that it has several medicinal properties, this plant has the potential to earn cash for poor families in the district. If a syrup could be made out of plant extract, it has good value to cure several sicknesses of children in the province and elsewhere. Unfortunately, this Solanum plant is neither utilized nor it is cultivated in the district. Cultivation of the plant should be promoted.
