
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ficus glomerata-Attikka-අටිටික්කා

Botanical name  -Ficus glomerata
Family                 -Moraceae
English name      -Cluster fig, Country fig
Sanskrit names   -Udumbara, Jantuphala, Yachanga, Hemadugdhaka  
Singhalese name- - Attikka
Parts used   - bark, fruit, roots & latex
Morphology-tree 30m high,bark pinkish brown ,pale green leaves and lanceolate,overy dark red,sollitary flowers,seed 1mm in size
Types-nadee udumbara,kola udumbara
Chemical constituent-tanin,calcium,lignin,zinc
Rasa          Kashaya, Madhura
Guna         Guru, ruksha
Veerya      Sheeta              
Vipaka      Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha & Pitta. Improves the complexion, cleanse & heels the wounds (Vruna sodhana ropana), cures blood diseases.                                                                                                                  
Medicinal uses
To reduce edema - Latex is used as liniment.
Stomatitis – a thick decoction of bark is applied locally.
Pharyngitis & stomatitis – extract of bark is used as mouth wash & gargling.
Dysentery & Diarrhea associated with bleeding – decoction of bark is given or raw fruits are given as cooked vegetables.
Infantile diarrhea & teething problems - Latex is given with sugar
Bhashmaka roga (excessive hunger) – powder of bark is given with human milk & water.
Hiccough – fruit juice is given.
Jaundice – half a leaf is given with betel leaves.
Sperm debility – latex along with sugar or sugar preparations.
Diabetes – juice of fruits or roots is given.
Udumbara syrup
        Udumbara kwata
        Udumbara thaila

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