
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Citrus aurantium-Embuldodam-ඇඹුල්දොඩමි

Botanical name   -Citrus aurantium
Family                 -Rutaceae
English name      - seville orange
Sanskrit names   - Jambira, Dantasatha, Jambha, Rambhira, Jambhala,                                                       Singhala name- Ebul dodam
Morphology-small tree 10m high,leaves acute apex ovate shape,petiole 2-3cm ,juice very sour,flowers large white colour,seed oval shape neumerous.
Chemical constituent-neroli bigarade,
Parts used   - fruits, leaves, roots.
Rasa          Amla
Guna         Guru
Veerya       Ushna          
Vipaka       Amla                
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha, Vata
Cures – Vibanda, Pain, Cough, (Kaphotklesha) vitiated Kapha, vomiting, thirst, Ama dosha, (Mukha vairasya) bad taste of the mouth, heart diseases, anorexia, (Krimi) parasitic infestation.                                  Medicinal uses
Stomachache with indigestion – juice of the fruit is given with ginger juice & honey.
Prepared drugs
Jambira kalka
Jambira lavana vati
Madhu sukti

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