
Friday, October 11, 2013

Santalum album - Suduhandun සුදු හඳුන්

Botanical name- Santalum album 
Family -Santalaceae.
English name-Sandalwood
Sanskrit names -Sitabhra, Himavaluka, Ghanasara, Hima & the names given to moon.
Singhalese name- Sudu hadun
Morphology –Small tree, 6-10m hight, smooth bark & gray colour, leaves are  Simple, 1.2cm long, oval shape or lanciolate bisexual flowers, small, purpal red color, fruit is oval shape and when ripe it become   Black colour, flowering from March to May.
Parts used   - Heat wood, oil
Rasa - Madhura, Tikta,
Guna - Ruksha, Laghu,
Veerya - Sheeta                  
Vipaka - Katu          
Effect on dosha :Kapha pitta shamaka(pacify kapha &pitta)
Chemical constituents –sesquiterene alcohol/ Santalols/ Betulic acid
Pharmacological action-Hridaya,Raktasodaka,antipoisones,Diuretic,
            Skin disease,Jwaragna,Krimigna,Dhaha Prashamana,
Therapeutic action- Hikka / Vamana/Daha/Hrida roga /Jwara

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