
Friday, November 8, 2013

Gossypium herbaceum-Kapu කපු

Botanical name  -Gossypium herbaceum
Family                 -Malvaceae
English name      -Cotton wool tree
Sanskrit names  - Karpasi, Tundiker, Samudranta
Singhalese name- Kapu
Parts used   -Leaves, bark, Root bark & seeds.
Rasa          Madhura, Kashaya
Guna         Laghu, Snigdha
Veerya      Slightly Ushna                
Vipaka      Madhura          
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviate Vata. Aggravates Kapha& Pitta.
Leaves – (Rakta vardaka) improves blood. Diuretic.
Cures – (Karna pidaka) abscess of ear, (Karna nada) tinnitus, (Karna puya) purulent discharge from ear.
Seeds – Galactogogue, Aprodiciac,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            uses:
Decoction of leaves & roots are used for hip bath in uterine disorders.
External application has analgesic & wound healing property.
Decoction or powder of roots is given in amenorrhea & dysmenorrhea.
It is used in post partum period to contract uterus.
Seed pulp is a good laxative.
Karpasadi taila

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