
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Vara - වරා

Botanical name  -Calotropis procera
Family                 -Asclepiadaceae
English name      -Madar
Sanskrit names  -Sveta – Svetarka, Ganarupa, Mandara, Vasuka, Sveta pushpa,
                                           Sadapushpa, Alarka, Pratapasa.
                              Rakta – Arka, Arka parna, Vikirana, Rakta pushpa, Suklaphala, Asphota
 Singhalese name- Vara

Verities: 1. White- Calotropis gigantia
      2. Red – Calotropis procera

Parts used   - Root bark, Latex, Leaves, Flowers, Kshara

Rasa        Kashaya
Guna       Lagu, Ruksha
Veerya    Sheeta                
Vipaka    Katu
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviate Vata & Kapha. Purgative.
Cures – Skin diseases, Itching, Poisoning, wounds, spleenic disorders, Gulma, piles, diseases of stomach, parasitic infestations
Flowers of white verity – Aphrodisiac. Promote appetite & digestion. Cures – anorexia, excessive salivation, piles, cough, asthma.
Flowers of red verity – sweet & bitter in taste. Cures – skin diseases, parasitic infestations, piles, poisoning, bleeding disorders (rakta pitta), Gulma, edema.
Latex – bitter & salty in taste. Ushna, Snigdha & laghu. Cures – Kushta, Gulma & Udara                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Medicinal uses:
Inflammation & pain – leaves are heated & are bound on the affected area.
Leave powder applied on the wound healing occur fast.
Latex – applied on tumor, inflammation & lymphadenopathy, alopecia, piles.
Snake bites – Arka root sap with black pepper is given as an antidote.
Periodical fever – a layer of salt is put on the leaf & is covered with another leaf & then it is kept in a mud pot & is heated. The extract which is obtained is given.

Arka lavana, Arka oil, Arka churna, Arkanantadi kvata.

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