
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Daluk -දලුක්

Botanical name  -Euphorbia nerifolia
Family                 -Euphorbiaceae
English name      -Common milk hage
Sanskrit names  -Sehunda, Sinhatunda, Vajri, Vajradruma, Sudha, Samantadugdha, Snuk,
                              Snuhi, Guda.
Singhalese name-Daluk

Parts used   - Latex, Root, Trunk

Rasa        Katu
Guna       Lagu, Snigdha, tikshna
Veerya    Ushna                
Vipaka    Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviate Vata & Kapha. Purgative. Promote apatite.(medas kshaya) reducing fat tissue.
Cures – pains, Ama dosha, Ashtilika, flatulence, Gulma, disorders of stomach, mania (unmada), skin diseases, piles, edema, urinary calculi, anemia ( pandu), wounds, fever, spleenic disorder, poisoning.
Latex – suitable as purgative for persons suffer from Gulma, Kushta, Udara & other longstanding diseases.                                                    
Medicinal uses:
Earache –decoction is used as ear drop.
Latex – is used for making Kshara sutra.
Piles – latex mixed with turmeric powder is applied locally.
Bronchitis, asthma – juice of Snuhi mixed with honey salt & borax is used.
Latex is a drastic purgative.

Snuhyadi oil

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