
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Betle- බුලත්

Botanical name  -Piper betel
Family                 -Piperaceae
English name      -Betle
Sanskrit names  -Tambula valli, Tambuli, Nagini, Nagavalli
Singhalese name-Bulath

Parts used   - Leaves

Rasa        Tikta, Katu, Kashaya
Guna       Lagu, Tikshna, Visada
Veerya    Ushna                
Vipaka    Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviate Vata & Kapha.
Promote appetite. (Sara) purgative. , (balya) strengthening. (Kshara) containing alkaline property. (Vashya). Remove impurities of the body (Mala hara). Reduce tiredness (Srama)                    
Cures – (rakta pitta) bleeding disorders, mouth odder.                                                      

Medicinal uses:

To enhance milk secretion from the breast – sudation with heated Betal leaves.
Pulmonary inflammations (puppusa pradaha) – past of Betel leaves & camphor is applied locally.
Constipation in children – Betle stalk soaked in castor oil is entered to the anus.

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