
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sadikka - සාදික්කා

Botanical name  - Myristica fragrans
Family                 -Myristicaceae.
English name      -Nutmeg
Sanskrit names  - Jatiphala, Jatikosha, Malathiphala
Singhalese name- Sadikka
Parts used   - Seed

Rasa        Tikta, Kashaya
Guna       Tikshna, Laghu
Veerya    Ushna                  
Vipaka    Katu    
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviate Kapha & Vata. Promote appetite & digestion. Constipative (grahi), cleanse the mouth (mukha vairasya). Reduce the foal smell & Blackness of stool.
Cures – Krimi, cough, vomiting, asthma, Sosha (emaciation), chronic rhinitis (peenas), cardiac diseases.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Medicinal uses:

Headache due to common cold – Nutmeg & dry ginger powder in water is applied on the forehead.
In impotency–Nutmeg oil is applied on the penis & then betel leaves are tied over it
Muscle cramps – powdered Nutmeg ground in water is applied over muscles.

Vomiting – Nutmeg pasted in limejuice is used.
Cholera – water boiled with Nutmeg is used.

Jatiphaladi chourna
Jatiphaladi vatika
Jatyadi oil

1 comment:

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