
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Daruharidra - දාරුහරිදා - Daruharidra - Indian berbery

Botanical name  - Daruharidra  
Family                 -Berberidae
English name      -Indian berbery
Sanskrit names  - Darvi, Daruharidra, Parjanya, pajīni, Katankateri, Pītā, pacampacā,
                               Kāliyaka, Kālēyaka, Pītadru, Haridru, Pītadāruka, Pītaka                                                                          
Singhalese name-Daruharidra
            *Plant use in Sri Lanka-Venivel.
Botanical name Coscinum fenestratum                                                                               Family                 - Menispermaceae

Parts used          - roots, stem & fruit

            Rasa        Kashaya, Tikta
            Guna       Laghu, Ruksha
            Veerya    Ushna
            Vipaka    Katu

Medicinal uses
·         Conjunctivitis – past is applied around the eye.
·         A disease of the mouth & throat – Rasanjana is used for gargling.
·         Vaginal discharge – use of douche prepared from berberis.
·         Jaundice – decoction of berberis with honey.
·         Syphilis & other sexual diseases - decoction of berberis is used.
·         Bleeding piles – The tablet of Rasanjana prepared in radish.

            Darvyadi kvata
            Darvyadi leha
           Darvyadi taila

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Beli / බෙලි / Bilva / Aegle marmelos / Bengal Quince / Bilva, Śandilya, Śailusha, Malura, Sriphala /

Botanical Name – Aegle marmelos
Family                  - Rutaceae
English Name     - Bengal Quince
Sanskrit Names – Bilva, Śandilya, Śailusha, Malura, Sriphala
Singhalese Name- Beli

Parts used           - roots, root bark, leaves, both ripe & unripe fruits, and flowers.

            Rasa           Kashaya, Tikta
            Guna          Ruksha, Laghu
            Veerya       Ushna
            Vipaka       Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviate Vata & Kapha. Aggravate Pitta
Promote appetite & digestion. Have an anabolic effect on all body tissue.

Unripe fruit – appetizer. Digestant. Astringent.
Ripe fruit    - astringent, mild laxative. An excess dose causes constipation
Leaves        - alleviate edema & pain. Has an anti diabetes property.
Roots          - use in Vata diseases. Astringent                         (B.P)

Medicinal uses:

·         Conjunctivitis – past of leaves applied over the eyelids.
·         Backaches      - steam with leaves.

·         Diabetes  - dried crashed leaves as a hot drink (phanta)
·         Bleeding piles – powdered dried unripe fruit with honey.
·         Diarrhea & digestive disorders – steamed unripe fruit with sugar.


            Bilvamūlādi gutika

Śyonaka -තොටිල - Oroxylum indicum - Totila - Śoshana nata Katwanga, Tuntuka, Mandukaparna, Ptrorna,Śukanasa, Kutanyata, Dērghavrunta, Aralu, Pruthuśimba, Katambhara

Botanical Name – Oroxylum indicum
Family                 - Bigoniaceae
English Name     - Indian trumpet flower
Sanskrit Names – Śyonaka, Śoshana, nata, Katwanga, Tuntuka, Mandukaparna, Ptrorna,
                             Śukanasa, Kutanyata, Dērghavrunta, Aralu, Pruthuśimba, Katambhara
Singhalese Name – Totila

Parts Used – Root bark

            Rasa       Tikta, Kashaya
            Guna       Laghu, Ruksha
            Veerya    Sheeta
            Vipaka    Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviate Tri-dosha
Promote appetite, cures cough due to Tri-dosha         (B.P)
Cures-Cystitis, Amavata (rheumatic arthritis), diarrhea, cough, anorexia    (Gha /ni)

Medicinal uses:
·         Joint swelling – local application is done by roots pasted in vinegar
·         Inflammation & painful diseases – tub bath by it decoction is done.
·         Otorrhoea – root bark boiled in sesame oil
·         Chronic diarrhea –juice of root bark & stamens of lotus; obtain from putapaka methord
·         Āmavata  - powdered root bark is given.



Aba - Mustard Rape - Brassica alba - අබ

Botanical name   -Brassica alba
Family                  -Crucifereae
English name      - Mustard Rape
Sanskrit names   - Sarshapa, Katuka, Śubhragaura, Siddhārta, Bhutanāśaka, Tantubha,
Singhalese name-  Aba

Parts used   - Seeds, oil

            Rasa          Katu, Tikta
            Guna         Tikshna (seeds & oil), Snigdha (vegetable)
            Veerya      Ushna            
            Vipaka      Katu                                (Su /su / 46)

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Vata, Pitta. Vitiates Pitta.
Seeds – Lekhana, enhances complexion and cures dermatose.
Oil – antibacterial and analgesic. Cures spleenic disorders.
Cures – throat diseases, skin diseases,           (Su /su / 46)

Medicinal uses
·         In pyorrhea – gargles of its oil mixed with salt are useful.
·         Pulmonary inflammation – paste of seeds & wheat flour is used as a dressing locally.

            Siddhārtaka taila

            Sarshapādi taila