
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Siritekku -කෙන්හදෙ

Botanical name – Clerondendron serratum
Family                 - Verbenaceae
English name     -  -
Sanskrit names  - Bhargi, bhrugubhava, padma, panji, Brahmayashtica, Brahmani,
                              Angaravalli, Kharasaka, bhangika,
Singhalese name – Siritekku

Parts used           - roots

Rasa            Katu, Tikta, Kashaya
Guna           Laghu, Ruksha
Veerya        Ushna
Vipaka         Katu  

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviate Kapha & Vata.
Promotes appetite & digestion.
Cures – Gulma, blood disorders, edema, cough, asthma, chronic rhinitis (peenasa), fever

Medicinal uses:

Lymphadenopathy – leaves ground in a past is applied locally.

Asthma –a mixture of powdered roots + powdered ginger is used with hot water.
Cough – powdered roots to be lick with honey & ghee.
Amenorrhea – Bharngi powder is used along with decoction of sesame seeds.

Bharngyadi leha
Bharngyadi guda
Bharngyadi sura

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