
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Kukuruman - කුකුරුමුවන්

Botanical name  - Randis dumetorum
Family                - Rubiaceae
English name     - Emetic nut
Sanskrit names  -Madana, Chardana, Pinda, Nata, Pinditaka, Karahata, Maruvaka, Salyaka
Singhalese name-Kukuruman

Parts used          - whole plant

Rasa          Madura, Tikta, Kashaya, Katu,
Guna         Ruksha, Laghu
Veerya      Ushna
Vipaka      Katu
Prabhava  Vamaka

Attributes / Karma:
Clean & Alleviate Kapha & Vata.with the quality of Lekhana (scraping).
Cures – abscess (vidradhi), common cold (pratishya), wounds, skin diseases (kushta),
Diseases due to Kapha, distended abdomen due to accumulation of stool (Anaha)
Edema, Gulma                                                                                
Vamana drvyanan madanaphalani sreshta: Among all emetics Emetic nut is the best.
Medicinal uses
Abscess – fruit ground in a past is applied over the abscess.
Rind of Emetic nut alleviate swelling & pain
Vata disorders – the oil is used for massage.
Wounds – wash by it decoction
Abdominal pain – Emitic nut rubbed in vinegar is applied over umbilicus.


Vata diseases – decoction of rind of fruit is used.
To induce emesis – powder of whole fruit is soaked half-cup water over night. This liquid is filtered trough cloth & is given to the patent after adding honey & saindawa.

Madanadi lepa

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