
Monday, March 31, 2014


Botanical name  -Eclipta alba
Family                 -Compositae
Sanskrit names  - Bhrungaraja, Markava, Bhrunga, Angaraka, Kesaraja, Bhrungara,
Singhalese name- Kekiridiya.
Parts used   -Whole plant & seeds
Rasa          Katu, Tikta
Guna         Ruksha, Laghu,
Veerya      Ushna              
Vipaka      Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha & Vata. Hair tonic, Improves complextion, rejuvenating, strengthens the teeth, (Balya) strengthening.
Cures – (Krimi) parasitic infestation, asthma, cough, edema, Ama dosha, (Pandu), (Kushta) skin diseases, eye disorders, (Siro roga) disorders of the head,                                        
Medicinal uses
Paste of plant reduces swelling & pain when applied over filariasis, glands, wounds & chronic ulcers.
Conjunctivitis – juice is used as an eye drop.
Earache – juice is used as an ear drop.
To relieve headache, grey hair to turns black – juice is applied over scalp.
Migraine – juice of plant + goat’s milk are used as a nasal drop.
Parasitic infestation – juice + caster oil is given.
Urinary disorders – mixture of root & leaves + Ajamoda Trachispermum amani is used.
Gastritis – powdered Bhrunga & Abhaya along with old jaggary is used.

Bhrungaraja ghrita
Bhrungaraja taila
Bhrungaraja churna
Shad bindu taila

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