
Monday, March 31, 2014


Botanical name  -Croton tiglium
Family                 -Euphorbiaceae
English name      - Kroton
Sanskrit names  - Jayapala, Danti bija, Tintidiphala
Singhalese name- Jayapala / Japala

Parts used   -Seeds & oil.
Rasa          Katu
Guna         Guru, Snigdha, Tikshna
Veerya      Ushna              
Vipaka      Katu

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Kapha & Vata. Purgative.
Eliminate worms. Purgative. Promote appetite, cures (Jalodara) acitis.

Medicinal uses
Seeds are used in local application in skin diseases & hair fall.
Seed paste is used in local application on the penis in disorders of erection.
Seeds triturate in lemon juice is used as eye drops in snake poisoning.
It irritates the gastric mucosa, causes griping pain, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa & results in diarrhea.

Purification of seeds
o The rind of the seeds is removed.
o Then boiled in cow’s milk for 1-2 hours.
o Seeds are then washed with hot water.
o Triturated with lemon juice.
o They are dried in sunshine & preserved for use.
Icchabhedi rasa
Suranvidura vati
Yashti kalka

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