
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Withania somnifera (L) Dunal (Amukkara) අමුක්කරා.

Name of Plant      :         Withania somnifera (L) Dunal (Amukkara)
Physical description    :           Erect hoary perennial or semi woody shrub, 1m high
                                                Leaves ovate, 2-11 cm long 1.5 – 9 cm wide Petiole 3 – 17 m long.                                                 Flower  fascicled. Fruit berry, bright red. Ovary glabrous. Seed                                                       2.5mm diameter, compressed.
Climate zone               :           Grows well in dry zone high temperature
Drier parts of Africa, eastwards across Arabia to India and Sri Lanka
Propagation through seeds.
There are about 60 – 90 seeds in a fruit.
Fruit wall contain chemical to prevent seed germination.
Lighting                      :           Normal
Soil types                    :           This crop is sensitive to high soil moisture & certain fungal infections. Soil has to be loose & well drained. If infect plants, Have to be uprooted & burnt. Organic manure is recommended
Watering                     :           Normal
Propagation                 :           Seeds

Materials Used          :           Bags
                                              Captan (Antifungal property)

                                              Propagation media (1:1:1=Sand: Soil: Compost)
                                              Seeds (Matured)
How to propagate (i.e. leaf cutting, root cutting, etc.):
                                    From seeds.
Traditionally seeds were broadcasted under shifting cultivation at the onset of monsoon rain & harvest after about 5-9 months or 12-18 months. Depending on variety.

Procedure for propagation:
·         Collect seeds from plant. There are about 60-90 seeds in a fruit. Fruit wall contain chemical which are prevent seed germination
·         Pulps inside the fruit is trolley washed in water until all slimy material adherents on the seeds cover is washed off
·         This can be done by using KMnO4  
·         Then seeds used to germinated in sterile sand beds
·         These sand beds are prepared by sterilized from boiling water
·         Seeds are put on sand bed after it will become cool
·         Leave sand bed about 1-2 weeks
·         Can see small plants within 1-2 weeks
·         When nursery plants are about 20cm tall, plants can be transplanted to the ploughed field
·         Planting distance 45-60x45-60cm

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