
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Rotheca serrata - Kenheda කෙන්හිඳ.

Name of Plant : Rotheca serrata (Kenheda)
Description :    Shrub with a stem 1.3-2.6m high;   slightly branched bluntly bark yellow.   
Smooth. Simple opposite large 10-20cm long leaves, flowers are regular,Bisexual   cymes 5sepals, bluish-purple color, hairy at base. Depressed, somewhat succulent, flowers from June to September.

Climate zone: Occurs in India, Cylone, Burma, Malay, Peninsula, Java
Lighting   :  Normal   
Soil types :  Normal to moist
Watering   : Normal
How to propagate 
 (i.e. leaf cutting, root cutting, etc.):
By using stems cutting.
Propagation     : Stem cutting 
Materials Used: Propergation media (1:1:1=Sand: Soil                   : Compost
                             Mother plant

 Procedure for propagation:

·         Select suitable mother plant
·         Select proper well grown branch
·         Cut a stem about 10cm long
·         Put it in to a water
·         1-3 bud should be in this stem
·         Planting the plant in propagation media
·         Keep them in cool dry place
·         After 2 weeks plant can move in to the field

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