
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Reduce weight and Cholesterol home remedy I දේහ බර හා රැධිර කොලෙස්ටරෝල් පාලනය කරන පානය. I AyuExpo

Reduce weight and Cholesterol home remedy I දේහ බර හා රැධිර කොලෙස්ටරෝල් පාලනය කරන පානය. I AyuExpo I Herbaledu

Use one table spoon after taking food . two week more detail AyuExpo , Reduce Cholesterol house made food, home made food , weight reduce recipe , home remedy ,

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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Home Made Organic Ceylon black Tea I AyuExpo I ගෙදරදීම තේ දළු වලින් තේ එකක් හදමු I AyuExpo

Home Made Organic Ceylon black Tea Day 1 - Plucking green tea leaves & Shorting & washing Day 2 & 3 - Withering Day 4 - Rowling & Crushing Day 5 & 6 - Oxidation then Drying and milling Store air tied bottle How to make tea how to make organic tea at home home made Ceylon tea tea make for domestic use home made tea making process AyuExpo #AyuExpo ayuexpo AYUEXPO

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Opium - Papaver somniferum - Abin - අබිං - Ahipēna அபின் - Papaver somniferum

Botanical name  - Papaver somniferum
Family                 -Papaveraceae.
English name      -Opium
Sanskrit names  -Fruit-Kilabheda, Khasatila, Khakhasa,
                              Latex of the fruit- Āphuka, Ahiphēna
                              Seeds- Khasa bīja, Khakhsatila
Singhalese name - Abin  අබිං
Tamil Name - அபின் 

Parts used   - Fruit pulp

            Rasa         Tikta, Kashaya
            Guna        Laghu, Ruksha, 
            Veerya     Sheeta                   
            Vipaka     Katu
            Prabhava  Madaka           

Attributes / Karma:
Fruit- aggravates Vata. Alleviate Kapha.Constipative, cures cough, emaciative (dhatu śoshakam), causes intoxication & unconsciousness (mada moha krut). Tvak vivardhanam,
Promote appetite. Excessive consumption causes impotency.
Latex- Alleviate Kapha. Aggravate Vata.causes dryness (Śoshana), constipative (dharaka), having the equal qualities of fruit.
Seeds – Aggravates Kapha & alleviate Vata. Strengthening (balya), nourishing (vrushya), having Guru guna,                                                                                               (B.P)

Medicinal uses:
·         Conjunctivitis, Otalgiaitis – application or Āshcotana is done by a single drug or mixed with any other liquid mixture.
·         Piles, fissures & other Rectal disorders– enema is used in perineal pain.
·         Should use in small dose (¼ to 1 Gunja). In high dose it acts as depressant & is fatal.
It is dissolved in water, rinsed & boiled at lower temperature. Dried Opium when impregnated with juice of ginger for 21 times becomes purified.

            Ahiphenāsava, Nidrodaya vati, Karpoora rasa.

Indian penny worth- ‌‌ගොටු ‌කොල - Gotukola - Mandūkaparni

Botanical name  -Centella asiatika

Family                 -Umbelliferae
English name      -Indian penny worth
Sanskrit names   - mandūkaparni, Mānduji, Tvāshtri, Divyā, Mahaushadhi.                                                              
Singhalese name- Gotukola ගොටු ‌කොල

Parts used   - Whole plant

            Rasa          Madhura, Kashaya, Tikta
            Guna         Laghu, Sara
            Veerya      Sheeta              
            Vipaka      Madhura

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviates Tri- dosha. Mainly Pitta & Kapha.
(Medya) enhancing intelligence. Longevity. Rejuvenating. Improves voice. (Smruty) enhance memory.
Cures – skin diseases, Pandu, (Meha) diabetes, blood disorders, cough, poisoning, edema, fever,   (same as Brahmi)                                                                                (B.P)
Cures – (Rakta pitta) bleeding disorderes. Skin diseases, diabetes, fever, asthma, cough, anorexia.                                                                                         (Su / su / 46)                     

Medicinal uses
·         Local application on the skin improves blood circulation.
·         Dermatose & skin disorders – leaves ground in a paste are used.
·         Ulcers – powder or juice is applied.
·         Acne – paste is applied.
·         Chronic rhinorrhea (Pīnasa) – powdered roots are used.
·         Piles, Pīnasa, weakness of brain – syrup made out of it juice is used.
·         Rejuvenation – boiled in cow’s milk & dried mandūkaparni powder use along with
      Cow’s milk.

            Siddha jīvāmruta

Hal හල් Sal tree - Vateria indica

Botanical name  -Vateria indica  (Indian)        Vateria acuminala

                                                                            Vateria copallifera  (Sri Lanka)
Family                 -Dipterocarpaceae.
English name      -Sal tree.
Sanskrit names  - Shal, Sarja, Ashvakarna, Sasyasanvara
                               Gum – Rāla, Śalaniryasa, Sajīrasa, devadupa, Yakshadupa, Sarjarasa
Singhalese name- Hal , හල් 

Parts used   - Gum, seed oil

            Rasa        Tikta, Kashaya
            Guna       Guru
            Veerya    Sheeta                   
            Vipaka    Katu     (Raja Nighandu)

Attributes / Karma:
Alleviate Tri-dosha.
Cures – blood disorders (rakta dosha), excessive sweating, Erysiphilus (visarpa), fever, ulcers, Vipadika (craked heels), Graha dosha, fractures, burns, Eye diseases, diarrhea.
 Cures- oral disorders due to Pitta, skin diseases (kushta), itching, Visphota (boils), disorders due to Vata                                                                               (Raja Nighandu)
Medicinal uses:

·         Ulcers, burns - Gum is used for fumigation.
·         Chronic rheumatoid arthritis – oil obtain from seeds is used for oleation.

·         Starch obtain from it fruit has a food value.

Monday, March 16, 2020

How to increase your Immunization ‌for safe Coronaviruses (COVID-19)

What is Coronaviruses (COVID-19)
According to the WHO 
Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a new strain that was discovered in 2019 and has not been previously identified in humans.
Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people.  Detailed investigations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans. Several known coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans. 
Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death. 
Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing 

How to increase your Immunization ‌for safe Coronaviruses (COVID-19) 

Increase of the your immunization you can safe your life any viruses not only coronaviruses. According to the Natural herbal treatment some herbal can increase human  Immunization specially using it before attack any virus immunization system . “The immune system is a system of biological organisms and processes that protect an organism from disease . It detects a wide variety of pathogens, from viruses to parasitic worms. It also helps to distinguish healthy cells and tissues from living organisms from pathogens. The pathogenesis of host living cells and their frequent alteration in host cells make them difficult to identify.

Various mechanisms have been introduced to identify and neutralize the pathogens to protect against this impeachment. Enzyme systems have the ability to protect against viral infections, even simple bacterial organisms, such as bacteria. These mechanisms are reciprocity, animal fertility and complement systems. However, with the evolution of vertebrates, advanced protective mechanisms have emerged. Immune systems are a dynamic network because they are built up together. Part of this complex immune response, the immune system of the vertebrates has been able to better identify specific pathogens. This identification process creates an immune response and provides better protection against infections caused by these pathogens in the future.

Best Herbs for increase your immunization

Immune system disorders can lead to various diseases. The immune system is less than normal and causes immune deficiency diseases. This is a result of life-threatening infections and recurrent infections. 

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