
Monday, November 21, 2016

Emblica officinalis/ Emblica myrobalan/ Amalaki/ Nelli/ නෙල්ලි நெல்லி अमला

Botanical Name :Emblica officinalis.
Family                :Euphorbiaceae          (Indian)
Botanical Name:Phyllanthus emblica
Family               :Euphorbiaceae        (Sri Lankan)
English Emblic myrobalan, Indian Goose berry
Sanskrit :Amalaki
Hindi :Amla अमला
Kannada :Nelli Kayi
Marathi :Amla
Gujarati :Amba la
Malayalam :Nelli Kayi
Tamil :Nelli நெல்லி
Telgu Usirika ya
Kashmir Aonla
English Name   -Emblica myrobalan
Sanskrit Names- Dhatri, Amruta, Tishyaphala    (B.P)
                             Amalaki, Sriphala, Gayatrei, Vrushya, Rochani, Pancharasa, Kayastha
Singhalese Name-Nelli නෙල්ලි

Phyllanthus emblica which is synonymous to Emblica officinalis and is commonly called Emblic myrobalan or Indian gooseberry,has of late become more popular than most of the other medicinal plants.It is a decidous,small or medium-sizetree with spreading branches.The bark is light grey,peeling off in flakes. The wood is hard and red in colour.The bipinnately compound leaves are 10 to 13  cm long with very small leaflets.The greenish yellow flowers are very small and
monoecious in axillary fascicles.The pale yellow fruit which are a rich source of vitamin C,contain a hard seed inside,is globose and fleshy,and may range from 1.4 to 3.0 cm in diameter.

To expel gases,flatulence and griping pains of the stomach and bowels;as a laxative;as a tonic;to prevent or reduce fever;to check vomiting,congestion of the liver,leprosy,constipation,inflammations,a contagious subcutaneous skin disease,piles,anemia,painful or difficult urination,anuria or absence of urine excretion from the body;useful in diseases of the heart and liver,cold in nose,nasal hemorrhages,poisoning and eye eye diseases.
Asthma,bronchitis and leucorrhoea.

The fruit,eaten in any form takes care of the first set of disorders listed under Medicinal use.
The decoction of the second set of disorders listed under Medicinal use.
Parts used-Fruit, Leafs

               Rasa      Madhura, Amla, Katu, Tikta, Kashaya
               Guna     Laghu, Ruksha
               Veerya  Ushna
               Vipaka  Madhura                                   (Raja Nighandu)
            Alleviate Tridosha,
            Aphrodisiac (vrushya), Rejuvenating (rasayana),
            Cures-Raktapitta (bleeding disorders), Prameha (diabetes)  (B.P)
            Promoter of Eyesight (chaksusya)                   (S/su/46)
            Improves taste & appetite, Antacid, Cures vomiting.  (Raja Nighandu)

Medicinal uses:
Burns, Head aches due to Pitta- Amalaki past is applied locally.
Eye disorders-Fruits are kept overnight in water & eyes are washed with this water in the morning.   .
Baldness & Grey hair-Boil fresh Amalaki in cow’s milk & grind, apply on scalp
           1 hour before bath.
Ratpitta-Fresh Amalaki juice with Honey & Jaggery. -Decoction of Amalaki & Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
Prameha-Lick fresh Amalaki juice with ripe Ash plantains & Honey.
Leucorrhoea-Decoction of Amalaki & Bala (Sida cordifolia) is used.
Rejuvenating effect-Amalaki powder with Ghee is used.

Dhatri arishta
Amalaki churna
Brahmi rasayana

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