
Monday, March 31, 2014

Patpadagam -පත්පාඩගම්

Botanical name  - Fumaria parviflora
Family                 - Fumariaceae
Sanskrit names  -Parpata, Varatikta, Parpataka, Kavuca & names given for soil.
Singhalese name- Patpadagam / Pepiliya
Parts used   - Whole plant.
Rasa          Tikta,
Guna         Laghu
Veerya      Sheeta                
Vipaka      Katu        
Attributes / Karma:
Alleviate Pitta & Kapha. Constipative.
Cures – blood disorders, delirium (bhrama), excessive thirst, fever, burning sensations.                                                                                                                                                                              
Medicinal uses:
Fever due to pitta – Decoction of Parpata is used.
Madatya (a disease due to alcoholism) – drink (pana) made of Parpata & Mustaka (Cyperus rotundus).
Burning sensation of the body – water boiled with Parrpata is given.
Panca bhadra kvata                          

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