
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Adhatoda Vasica - Pawatta පාවට්ටා

Name of the medicinal plant :- Adhathoda Vasica

Other names :- Vaida mata / Vaji dantha / Vrusha

Synonyms :-
  •  Sinhala - Agaladhara, Pawatta, Vanepala
  • Tamil - Adathodai, Pawattai
  • English- Malabar nut
  • Sanskrit - Vasa, Bishagmatha
Morphology -
Shrub of about 4m high. Stem thickened sub-quadrangular, exerted. leaves are oval & elliptic, acute base tapering in to petiole.

Types :- White & Red Adathodha

Chemical constituents
  • Arial parts- Triterpendoid / 3a-hydroxy-D-friedooleans - 5 -ene / Epitraxerol / Peganidine.
  • Leaves -4 quinalzoline alkaloids/ anisotine/ 3-hydroxyanisotine/ vasicolinone/ Vasicoline/ vasicine/ vasicine/ vasicinone/ betain.
  • Roots - Vasicinol/ 6-hydroxypeganin/Vasicinine/ triirtacontation/alkaloid-9-acetamido-3/ dihydropyrido-(3-4b) - indole
  • Young Plant - Peganine anisotion/ Vasicoline/ Adhatodine/ Vgicolonone.
  • Leaves - 4 quinazoline alkaloids/ Vasicin/ Vasicinine/ tritriacotabe/ alpha amyrin/ Beta- sitsosterol/ glucoside/ luteoline/ quercetine. 
Properties :-
  • Rasa - Tikta/ Kasaya
  • Guna - Lagu /Ruksha
  • Vipaka - Katu
  • Veerya - Sheeta
Effect on Disha - Pacify Kapha &  Pitta
Parts of used
  • Leaves 
  • Bark 
  • Roots
  • Flowers
  • Petoes.


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