
Monday, September 30, 2013

Rhinacanthus nasutus (L) Kurz. (Aniththa.) අනිත්ත

Name of Plant:  Rhinacanthus  nasutus  (L) Kurz. (Aniththa.)

Physical description:        A small slender under shrub stems 0.6 – 1.2 m tall.
Simple, opposite, decussate leaves. Flowers zygomorphic, bisexual, white.
Fruit capsule 1.2cm long, glabrous, loculicidally dehiscent
                                         With 4   glabrous seed.                  
                                         Flowers from January from also July to October.
Climate zone:                   Tropical Africa, Madagascar, Maldives Islands, India, Sri
                                         Lanka, Native to Java &Philippines.
Lighting:                          Under shade of trees. Dry low lands.
Soil types:                       Normal
Watering:                        Normal
How to propagate (i.e. leaf cutting, root cutting, etc.):
                                   Propagation though seeds & Stem cutting plant stem cutting of About
                                   12cm long with few leaves either in nursery base or nursery base with common nursery medium mixture
Sand    :           Soil      :           Compost
1          :           1          :           1
Burying the cut end about 1cm. below the soil surface 14 day days grown.
Propagation: Stem cuttings
Materials Used: Propagation media (1:1:1=Sand: Soil: Compost)
                          Mother plant
Procedure for propagation:
·         Select suitable mother plant
·         Select good cutting stem
·         Plant stem cuttings of about 2cm long with few leaves
·         Should be in nursery bags or beds with common nursery medium
·         Burring the cut end about 1cm below the soil mixture
·         When well grown buds appear in 2 weeks
·         Transfer the rooted plants in to holes of 20x20x20cmin the field
·         Inter plant distance is 30x45cm


Friday, September 27, 2013

Premna integrifolia - Maha midi මහ මිදි

Botanical Name - Premna integrifolia
Family                - Verbenaceae
Sanskrit Names - Agnimantha, Jaya, Sri parni, Ganicarika, Jayanthi, Tarkari, Nadeyi,
Singhalese Name- Maha midi
Parts used  - roots & leaves
          Rasa          Tikta, katu, Kashaya, Madura
          Guna          Ruksha, Laghu
          Verna        Ushna

          Vipaka       Katu